Three types of email marketing campaigns that every brand should know

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Three types of email marketing campaigns that every brand should know

Post by messi66 »

Motivated by an article from the Mexican magazine Merca2.0 -which talks about the importance of knowing several possible strategies to apply in Email Marketing-, we have been inspired to develop the following article, focused on the 3 main types of campaigns that any brand should (at least) know about. And even more so if you decide to implement Email Marketing within your company.

Therefore, in today's article we want to share with you 3 types of campaigns that can accompany the particular strategy of any brand, -always depending on the specific needs of each one-.

Grab a pen and paper and take notes. Here we go!

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Three types of Email Marketing campaigns
1.- Automated campaigns
2.- Interactive campaigns
3.- Full funnel campaigns
Three types of Email Marketing campaigns
1.- Automated campaigns
Automating emails is something that has gradually become a foolproof practice for saving brands time , as they are sent without the need for a person behind the scenes to manage each one. A great way to save time and resources.

In this way, the emails (already defined) are triggered as soon as the user or subscriber meets a certain condition in relation to the brand, whether it is signing up for the newsletter, making a purchase on the website, abandoning a shopping cart, etc., etc. We can even automate messages for specific actions - and not generated through a direct action by the user - such as when the user has not albania business email list interacted with our brand for X months. Don't you think that, here, you could send him an email asking him how he is, telling him that you have not heard from him for a long time, and that - because he is - you are giving him a 5% discount on his next purchase? We would certainly love that attention that, although automated, is highly personalized.

In addition, automating emails has several key advantages that will make you decide to implement this type of campaign in your Email Marketing strategy. Firstly, its opening rates far exceed those of conventional emails, so - we can conclude - we ensure that our recipients read what we have to say to them. And , secondly, they are very effective campaigns to convert "random" users into leads, leads into "first-level" clients, and clients into clients with "high engagement with your brand" ; which, in short, is the objective of any Email Marketing campaign.


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2.- Interactive campaigns
This type of campaign seeks, in a certain way, to soften the saturation of content, alerts and other notifications transmitted by (among others) automation campaigns. Therefore, we recommend that you consider this type of campaign so that the user feels that your brand is a friendly and fun brand , from which they do not want to disassociate themselves.

Some examples of interactive campaigns can be, for example, surveys or quizzes shared via email. Infographics, videos or images can also be considered interactive elements that you should not forget. What's more, there are studies that show that simply adding a video to your email content can increase the click rate by almost 300%. Incredible, don't you think?

3.- Full funnel campaigns
There is a new type of Email Marketing campaigns, called full funnel , which is understood as those emails that, regardless of the moment in which the user is -in the funnel- , will be sent to each one in particular, providing a solution to any question they may have, regardless of the particular situation they are in. That is, regardless of whether they are in a stage of awareness, engagement, purchase, growth, advocacy, etc. We have an answer for all of them.

However, there is an important topic that we want to share with you, and it is the following: at the moment in which, from your company, you decide to implement a full funnel Email Marketing strategy , it is necessary to go a step further and obtain a global, high-level and long-term vision in relation to it, connecting it with your short-term techniques and with the most immediate mission of your business.

So, the first thing you need to do is create your own full funnel for your company. Not everyone follows the same guidelines or classifications, so you will need to create one ad hoc for your brand. Only then will you be able to move forward with this strategy (or at least if you want it to generate optimal results).

The 3 big reasons why you should include video in your email messages
However, while this is true, there are some common and useful tips for all business funnels, and they are the following:

What to put in the Top-of-the-funnel?
At the top of the funnel (the widest part, because we are not actually guiding the user towards anything, so we are not “making them go through” a marked path) we find those users who, at first, do not yet have any kind of connection with our brand, and perhaps do not even show interest in it. However, they identify with our target, and we do have them “signed up”.

To capture them through the full funnel Email Marketing strategy you must ask yourself the following questions: " How can I attract those prospects who do not join my brand or feel interested? ", " What content can I provide them with?", "What is the content that my target needs? ", " What do I have to do when they access (automation strategy)?" , etc., etc.

We can use, among others, educational content, such as blogs, guides or podcasts, among others.

What to put in the middle of the funnel?
In the next phase of the funnel, customers start to get slightly more involved with your brand, and this will give you information about their tastes and preferences, and you can start to consider them as potential customers who, at some point in the future, will show a high interest in your brand (engagement), becoming a sales opportunity, and later a customer in itself - ideally loyal.

Here, the questions you should ask yourself, among others, are the following: "How do I get the user to trust me?", "How do I get them to interact with me to find out their preferences and tastes, and be able to offer them what they are waiting for?", "How do I manage to convert them into a sales opportunity, and subsequently into a loyal customer?", "What Email Marketing content do I need?", "What should my automation strategy be like here?", etc., etc.

What to put at the bottom of the funnel?
At the end of the funnel, where you can easily perceive a “narrowing” of the path, the user already meets a series of characteristics: he has gone from being a mere prospect to a lead. And, that lead, to a sales opportunity that is about to (if it hasn’t already) become a customer of your brand.

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The loyalty and permanence of this customer towards your brand is something that you should try to achieve over time, and, above all, try to maintain at all costs.

In this way, with the above guidelines, you can start building your own full funnel , and adapt your ad hoc Email Marketing strategies to it, obtaining your own action flows.
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