The problem is that potential senegal phone number library customers are attracted to your lead magnet precisely because of its perceived value. In other words, the potential customer must believe that what he or she gets from this exchange is better than what you get (your email address, which you can then use to contact him or her). Source: Tarzan Kay Source: Tarzan Kay The purpose of the lead magnet is simple: capture the prospect’s email address and put them on your email list.

You can then launch an email marketing campaign that gives them a direct channel to your information. and present them with offers. As a freelancer, your lead magnet should: Show your work Rate your experience and authority in this niche Include a CTA (call to action) that tells the potential customer what to do next. Addressing a customer's pain point Solve part of their problem (but not all of it, otherwise they wouldn't need to hire you) What does a lead magnet for freelancers look like? It depends entirely on your line of work.