Afraid to Put Links to Other Websites on Your Blog? Read This Article

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Afraid to Put Links to Other Websites on Your Blog? Read This Article

Post by shakil1567 »

According to them, placing links to other websites will have a negative impact on SEO because it means sharing our PageRank for that website and ultimately our website will look bad in Google's eyes.

Is that true? Should you avoid putting outbound links on your blog?

There are 2 types of people who are afraid of external links:

Absolutely against placing live links (clickable links) to external websites
Sometimes install a live link but must be given rel="nofollow"
To explain to each of these types of people, I need to explain the concept of the web.

Web concept on WEBsite
The internet is described as a large spider web, buy phone number list therefore each site is given the term website.

Why the web? Because all these websites are connected to each other. Website A connects to Website B, B connects to C, C connects to D, and so on.

One website also links to two or more other websites, and eventually those websites will also be linked to by other websites.

By connecting to each other, all websites connected in this network can be found. That is the basis of the Google search engine that works by utilizing these relationships or links.


Now that we understand how websites and the internet work interdependently, if we think logically, will Google give a bad stamp to websites that provide links to other websites?

No. If Google gives a bad rating to websites that post links, then the WEB concept will die because everyone will be afraid to post links.

Nofollow dan (do)follow
There are two types of links for HTML, normal and nofollow. The normal one is often called dofollow.

In SEO, links work like voting or recommendations. Websites that get votes or recommendations from other websites that have a "good name" will get more points. These points determine the ranking of the website in search results.

(Links are not the only ones that give points, but this time we will only discuss links)
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