Searching for gold using service design

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Searching for gold using service design

Post by arzina221 »

Scalable content
As a web editor, you need to move away from 'desktop thinking' and towards 'multichannel thinking'. If you are faced with the choice of a new CMS, pay attention to the possibility of scalable content when making your choice.

Keynote Wim Andrea about content marketing
In the final keynote, Wim Andréa from Interactim gives his illuminating view on the latest 'hype', content marketing ! You thought you had just mastered content management.

Direction, or not?
Content management suggests that you have a certain degree of control. As much as we would like that, that is no longer the case. You only have a certain degree of control over the content that you create yourself (and even that is something we have enough trouble with). In the meantime, a lot of content is being generated by your 'users'.

In terms of communication, we come from a transmitting model. Due to recent developments, which have also been mentioned in abundance by the other speakers, group dynamics are possible. Incidentally, there are still enough organizations that have remained stuck in this transmitting model.

It is human behavior to first think about a strategy, poland phone data confuse each other with difficult terms, make an annual plan and then live up to that one point and then sit back again.

We can learn a lot from the principles of service design. Think about the people you interact with (your stakeholders) and put these people first (and not your own organization). Think about the value exchange. If you only give and receive nothing, you cease to exist. In what ways can you shape that value exchange? Nice example, did you know that the Tour de France was invented by a newspaper that needed content during the slack summer months? The Michelin Guide is another example. That is content marketing.

Social computing
The social computing model of research agency Forrester appears in all sorts of forms. The model is quite old, but still provides good insights. Look carefully at your 'target group' to determine which means you use where. In short: collaborate with the creators, ensure that the critics pick up the ideas that have emerged and ensure that the collectors publish about it.
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