Microsoft Power BI is used to create customizable and interactive dashboards that allow users to change visualizations and perform various analytical functions.
Users can combine ACC metrics with third-party sources, such as PHMSA, EPA, or CSV files
This tool helps users identify trends, causes, risks and opportunities for improvement.
Mr. Forest indicated that ACC is working to expand their use of Power BI to provide greater 99 acres database flexibility, utility and in-depth analysis for 5800.1 data and other EHS metrics.
In addition to providing a tool for its members, ACC is developing further benchmarking and comparative analysis of the data to examine safety and security performance related to ACC members versus non-members, Responsible Care Partners vs. Non-Partners, etc.
A. Duie Pyle Good Practices and Lessons Learned
The third and final speaker was Rich Kaczynski, Safety Manager at A. Duie Pyle, who shared his experiences and challenges faced as a carrier in reporting and preventing incidents and spills. Some of his insights included:

A. Duie Pyle uses the PHMSA online reporting form. Mr. Kaczynski participated as part of the PHMSA working group that developed the online version.
To capture the correct information consistently and uniformly across all their personnel and terminals, they created their own internal spill form based on the 5800.1 form.
Internal HAZWOPER spill response teams have been created to handle incidents efficiently and effectively.
It uses videos and pictures to record incidents and share them with employees and customers for training and awareness.
Analyze the data to identify trends, locations, times, equipment, and other factors that will help them identify and address root causes and risk factors.
Mr. Kaczynski's motto for promoting continuous improvement is “Train, Train, Train!”
How Can CHEMTREC Help?
After hearing from the experts and practitioners on how to optimize 5800.1 reporting for safety success, you may be wondering how CHEMTREC can help you with your incident reporting needs.
CHEMTREC is more than a 24/7 emergency response center; we are also your partner in compliance and risk management.
We have a technical and trained team ready to help you simplify your reporting efforts and guide you through the complexities of completing form 5800.1 accurately and efficiently.
Whether you need to submit a report to PHMSA, Responsible Care, or other agencies, CHEMTREC can help you meet your obligations and improve your safety performance.
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our incident reporting services. CHEMTREC is here to help you stay safe and compliant.