Marketing Calendar 2023. Key dates of the year

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Marketing Calendar 2023. Key dates of the year

Post by nurnobi24 »

Would you like to keep a marketing calendar in advance? Undoubtedly, advertising scheduling will allow your company to achieve tasks and plans following the date.

If you still don't know how to create a marketing plan, read on for details on how to create your calendar.

marketing calendar 2023
Table of contents

1 What is a marketing calendar?
2 Steps to Create a Marketing Calendar
2.1 Understanding prospects (segmenting them)
2.2 Identify the functions of each person on the team
2.3 Determine quantity and quality of calendar content
2.4 Select the calendar theme
2.5 Monitoring and updating the plan
3 Types of Marketing Calendar, Get to Know 3 Models
3.1 Content editorial
3.2 Ads Campaigns
3.3 Social media posts
3.4 Integrated marketing
4 What functionality should a marketing calendar have?
4.1 Synchronizable
4.2 Views and date checking
4.3 Integration with platforms
4.4 Manageable and accessible
5 Planning the marketing plan for dates from January to December
5.1 January – Beginning of the year and Three Wise Men
5.2 January 6 – Three Wise Men
5.3 January 17 – Blue Monday
5.4 January 28 – Information Privacy Day
5.5 February – Day of friendship and love
5.6 February 4 – World Cancer Day
5.7 February 14 – Valentine's Day
5.8 March – International Women’s Day
5.9 April – Easter
5.10 May – Mother’s Day
5.11 June – LGBTIQ+ Pride
5.12 July – International Friendship Day
5.13 August – August 7 Children's Day
5.14 September – 18 September First Governing Board
5.15 October – October 31 Halloween
5.16 November – Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday
5.17 December – Christmas Eve and New Year
6 Conclusion
What is a marketing calendar?
It is the creation or formulation of a plan with the purpose of applying digital marketing as part of the strategy of your business or venture . In this way, a schedule of special and specific dates is maintained in accordance with the plan.

Typically, each calendar is unique and tailored to the type of brand, meaning it must be customized to meet the needs and requirements of each business.

There is no doubt that dates are a reference for any company and allow it to keep a compass regarding its online advertising strategy:

What type of advertising to include?
Is paid and organic advertising required?
Is an SEO plan required?
How often will posts be made on the website?
How often do you post on social media?
In this way, a strategic programming will be maintained that serves to address the business action plan.

From there, different actions can be organized to provide continuity to the digital strategy established in any business.

In addition, you will be able to keep track of the elements or pieces that make up the advertising plan.

This allows you to carry out the different activities of your chinese overseas canada database business within a deadline and ensure that each member of the team meets their assignments set out in the marketing planner.

This will allow us to maintain actions in the face of an unforeseeable future and perhaps reconsider different advertising activities aligned with achieving the start and end of the objectives.


Steps to create a marketing calendar
A marketing calendar is used to keep track of the different tasks you have set for yourself to complete the different objectives. Through scheduled actions to achieve compliance or re-evaluate them. It is also important to plan it by taking a few steps:

Understanding prospects (segmenting them)
Each task must be focused on the target audience. By knowing the buyer persona, you can stratify the segments of people to place them in the different stages of the funnel. For example, you can ask yourself a set of questions about:

What does the audience require?
What are the different segments of people?
What is the ideal time frame to post?
Among other variables that serve to detect needs and prioritize the different texts to be created.

Identify the roles of each person on the team
Each member of the marketing group must know what their roles are. This is vital for assigning different tasks. It should be noted that typical roles include:

Social Media Manager
Marketing Specialist
Content creator
Specialist in Ads and Meta Ads campaigns
Determine quantity and quality of calendar content
The frequency and quality of the type of text is appropriate for the type and regularity of the content. The best thing about it is that you can create it under the continuity that you set for yourself. From there you can consider actions such as:

How often should I post?
What type of content is needed?
Select the calendar theme
By including themes that are seasonal or focused on promoting different services or products, for example: a brand that sells shoes will have to differentiate itself from a business that offers school bags.

Even seasonally, promotions will vary and depending on the time of year, they can be scheduled and promoted to create opportunities and promote them to different target audiences.

Monitoring and updating the plan
Even if you maintain and create a plan with advance notice, continuous checking and monitoring serves to ensure the steps to achieve the completion of each publication.

You will even have to decide whether to publish or leave it for another time. Each plan is monitorable and will require supervision to achieve what is desired.

Types of marketing calendar, learn about 3 models
Below we outline some of the most common marketing calendars that could help your business stay organized:

Content editorial
Focused on setting the digital texts, keeping them visible and accessible in a single space. By using a template, the different contents of a brand are verified:

Blog Posts
Downloadable ebooks
Email marketing campaigns
Posts for social networks
This makes it easier to identify what has been published and is pending to be added according to the instructions.

Ads Campaigns
Google Ads campaigns could also be scheduled in order to obtain views through ads .

Each advertising plan includes previously planned objectives and activities, and even the budget to invest will depend on the needs and growth expectations of the business.

Social media posts
Social media plans change depending on the style or focus of the business . Each campaign requires previously planned steps focused on achieving the objectives. The type of campaign and goal or purpose should be established in advance.

Integrated marketing
These schedules are subject to the inclusion of channels through traditional media and digital media . They are also known as complementary programming since they include both types of advertising, including publications through paid media, organic media or TV and radio.

What functionality should a marketing calendar have?
Among the features and functions that are part of a marketing program are:

You can automate the completion of different activities and set their completion on the planned dates. This way, the parties that make up the team can see in advance when x activity will be completed.

Also, it could be checked in case of modifications and these will be easily accessible to those who have plan accessibility.

Views and date checking
An advertising department may have different plans and even the dates will vary. Therefore, whoever runs the business will have to manage it according to the instructions and set the activities according to the different channels.

Tasks may be variable and customizable, so they will need to be reviewed and automated to provide continuity to tasks whether weekly, monthly or quarterly.

Integration with platforms
Some platforms, such as Google, offer the possibility of integrating it with Calendar. From there, they could monitor it. Other companies manage it through Trello, however, it will depend on the alternatives and the ease of carrying out different actions.

It should be noted that, depending on the agility and practicality of using the different platforms, it could be possible to synchronize and execute the different assignments under the planned dates.

Manageable and accessible
It is accessible to anyone and does not even require any technological expertise. Each program is designed to facilitate the step-by-step process to follow in order to comply with a business's marketing strategies.

Therefore, it is designed for people who are related to or knowledgeable about the subject. This ensures that those involved are monitoring the activities.

Planning the marketing plan for dates from January to December
You will be able to carry out marketing planning for your company. Considering the different months of the year and notable or memorable dates, among them are:

January – Beginning of the year and Three Wise Men
Although many people think that January is an inactive month or one with few sales, it is an opportunity for companies to plan and make offers.

Keep in mind that January 1st is an opportunity to thank customers or those who purchased your product. Some customers will consider it and even feel part of the company.

January 6 – Three Wise Men
Don't forget that the 6th of July is the day of the Three Wise Men, so by programming texts alluding to the season or celebration, you could design a campaign and give consumers a product.

January 17 – Blue Monday
Even for January 17th, consider sending an email and telling them about the offer. Usually, they are scheduled before the 3rd Monday to send an email to all contacts.

January 28 – Information Privacy Day
Designated as a day of celebration to promote privacy and data protection practices, on this day you could send texts with the purpose of promoting transparency and awareness in the handling of information.

February – Day of friendship and love
A month that has different celebration dates could be used to schedule different marketing actions, depending on the dates:

February 4 – World Cancer Day
Some companies dedicated to the health sector could schedule a calendar alluding to the date. It is a good time to make the audience aware of some guidelines for good health care.

February 14 – Valentine’s Day
An important day for giving gifts to loved ones. It is known as the day of love and friendship and many companies take advantage of the opportunity to invest in advertising related to the season.

March – International Women’s Day
The 8th is a memorable date, marked by the commemoration of women's empowerment and the fight for equal rights. It is a good day to send a notification to women

April – Easter
An emotional month characterized by religious celebrations, so a program could be included aligned with essential productive products for the Easter season.

May – Mother’s Day
An emotional month, as in different countries around the world it is celebrated as Mother's Day. Some consumers are encouraged to buy and it would be convenient to add promotions and offers related to the season, a key date to create a strategy and fix it in the advertising calendar.

June – LGBTIQ+ Pride
Declared as international pride day or day of gender diversity and sexual orientation. It is a possibility for companies to offer only products related to the date, it could also include only a 48-hour promotion, one day before and during the day.

July – International Friendship Day
An opportunity to stand out and create a program that encourages people to buy gifts for their loved ones or friends. It is a possibility that serves to engage and create connectivity with those who like to remember the date and give gifts.

August – August 7 Children's Day
The month begins with the Children's Day holiday, this target is valuable. It could be used to create a connection with parents. Although children are the ones who receive the detail, parents or people close to the little ones in the house are the ones who make the purchase of the product or gift.

September – September 18 First Governing Board
Depending on the location, but since our Agency is based in Chile, we celebrate and commemorate September 18. On this date, we celebrate at home or with the family with empanadas.

Therefore, the celebration is highlighted in the calendar programming, encouraging many consumers located in Chile to make purchases of products or services that allow them to celebrate in style.
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