Tip: choose a project in which you can make a profit relatively easily. Are you aware of the enormous high costs that organizations incur to attract new people? Or do you know how much turnover your organization loses annually, because a certain percentage of customers leave? Find out! Ask for a percentage of this amount (sometimes 1% is enough) and run your pilot project with that.
Make sure that the participants in your pilot project experience personal success. People are creatures of habit who do not like change. Why would you, if everything is going well or not bad enough. Focus on those people who respond positively to your efforts and make sure that this small group (especially at the beginning) experiences first-hand what social media can do for them. Do not hesitate to share their successes with the rest of the organization. Nothing is as infectious as the success of someone else.
But make no mistake. Running a pilot project does not release you from the obligation to ensure a certain level of business success. At the end of the day, your efforts and the investment from your organization must lead to a demonstrable contribution to a certain turnover or saving. Only in this way will you realize a business case with which you can create support for a next step among the decision makers within your team, department or organization.
To change an organization you need support (at the top) and success. In this, one thing leads to more of the other. My advice is to make a clear choice regarding the objective, focus on the pioneers within your organization, start small, let people experience personal success, ensure business success and thereby create support for a next step.
Step by step
This is how you turn your organization step by mexico phone data step into a network organization that fits the 21st century employee, partner and customer. With this flexible network structure you ensure more satisfaction and productivity among employees, better cooperation with partners, a good connection to the labor market, better relationships with existing customers and a clear insight into the market.
ts annual Video Music Awards with hip animations that were massively liked and shared worldwide. Not surprising, considering that the entertainment brand has a combined total of over 1.5 million followers on Instagram and Vine. With millions of uploads per day and more and more brands active on the medium, Instagram's video function seems to have become more popular than video app Vine. Nevertheless, brands like MTV can use both social video services to tell a story that users can absorb from start to finish and weave their brand values into it in a simple, creative way. But how? In six simple steps to using Instagram and Vine effectively.