How healthcare will evolve beyond COVID-19

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How healthcare will evolve beyond COVID-19

Post by Aklima@411 »

It’s a question most healthcare providers have avoided since calls for a digital revolution first began. Now, it’s the question preoccupying the industry in the wake of the coronavirus.

But with so many providers scrambling to increase the number of beds, supplies, and skilled workers, delaying digital transformation in favor of immediate needs isn’t a bad answer. It’s just not a sustainable answer.

If we've learned anything from COVID-19, our healthcare systems need digital intervention.

Most forward-thinking organizations are already philippine telegram streamlining their operations while improving patient care – and they're using technology to help them do it.

Here's what might stick:

Workflows will become more efficient
Bureaucracy is costly. According to a recently released study, the United States spent more than a third of its annual hospital dollars on administrative costs in 2017. Manual, paper-based processes are one of the main factors contributing to this bloat.


From routine tasks like appointment booking and rescheduling to complex processes like pharmacy medication searches, medical records requests and post-care evaluations, gaining consensus from multiple healthcare professionals is often an inefficient and costly exercise.

As healthcare professionals increasingly value convenient, real-time access to critical information, more organizations are likely to adopt workflow automation and business process management (BPM) software that can save them time—and billions of tax dollars—by integrating and automating their operations.
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