Entrepreneurs are one of the keys to being able to raise the economy in Spanish society to the point of equilibrium where there is no great market uncertainty and the enormous tension that all sectors have experienced in recent years. The success of entrepreneurs is necessary to transform society, which is why it should matter to all of us.
From idea to company, how to get funding and finding clients
When you are an entrepreneur, the first step is to transform an idea into a company . From theory to practice, taking the plunge… You can call it many things, but it always involves taking action.
There are many ways to take this step, what matters is the execution, taking it and moving forward so that the company takes shape and can start working as soon as possible. There are those who are afraid of making mistakes, there are those who apply methodologies such as Lean Startup, there are those who do not stop to think much or those who design a detailed business plan. There is no unique formula, but rather a desire to start working and make the business grow.
Once the idea is up and running, it needs the support life insurance email list of financing , which is another key point for the entrepreneurial idea to become a feasible and lasting reality. The crisis we have been going through in recent years has helped new forms of financing to flourish that were previously barely used or did not exist formally as such (crowdfunding systems), opening up a range of possibilities that goes beyond the banking sector.
New opportunities to raise financing and capital are promoted by new agents seeking profitability for their money and companies such as those in the fintech sector . These new players are key to helping SMEs diversify their sources of financing, avoiding the heavy dependence on banking as in the past. This is even more important in a scenario like the current one, with the concentration of entities and a reduction in financing alternatives and competition.

Financing would be pointless if it were not for sustaining and growing the business through customers . Where to find them is the crux of the matter, and there is no entrepreneur who does not encounter this problem when starting a business.
In reality, it is a problem that never goes away because the company must always ensure that it has clients that make the business profitable and that is not possible if it is not through customer loyalty strategies.