COVID-19 has reinforced the fundamental role of science and innovation in society. Therefore, with the aim of strengthening the research network in Spain, the Government has presented a Shock Plan for Science and Innovation.
The Shock Plan is made up of 17 measures spread across three pillars: promotion of business R&D&I, health research and transformation of the science system.
The Government will inject 1.056 billion euros in direct aid to oman phone number data the science and innovation system in 2020 and 2021.
In fact, the COVID-19 health emergency has not only put innovation in the spotlight. It has also exposed the cracks in the Spanish research system. Between 2010 and 2017, during the previous economic crisis, the scientific sector was one of the hardest hit in Spain: investment in science fell by 5.9% during that period.
Start of marked textShare! Between 2008 and 2010, there was a 38% drop in non-financial funds for R&D&I in the General State Budget.End of marked text
Now that research in Spain is seen as one of the greatest challenges in the face of the health crisis, the Government has announced a Shock Plan with short-term measures.
Automotive and aerospace companies will receive EU funding for research and innovation in green technology.
Measures of the Government's Science and Innovation Shock Plan
The Government's measures will strengthen the science and innovation system with 396.1 million euros in 2020 and 659.9 million in 2021. In addition, 508 million euros will be provided in loans for private research , which will have advantageous conditions for innovative companies .
The plan includes impact measures with the capacity to immediately accelerate the recovery of the scientific system.
Specifically, the Shock Plan for Science and Innovation is divided into three main axes:
Boosting business R&D&I and the science industry
This section brings together measures aimed at promoting innovative production in strategic sectors, mainly by emphasizing the ecological transition . This axis of the Shock Plan will be financed with different European funds, since its objectives are linked to the conditions of the European Union.
Specifically, six measures are proposed to strengthen the foundations of innovation in companies :
Double in three years the aid to business R&D&I through the new Strategic Plan of the Innovation Agency (CDTI). The investment will be divided into three areas: R&D , technological innovation and technological venture capital .
To enhance and connect basic science from public research centres with companies. For example, companies with participation by public research centres, the CDTI and private investors will be created for the business development of research results.
Supporting business R&D&I in the automotive sector.
Support business R&D&I in the aeronautics sector.
Consolidation of the model and technology of Spanish SMEs with a seal of European excellence. Consequently, this measure aims to establish a new programme that allows companies to mature their technology and business model. This will be done through aid aimed at addressing the validation of their technology, fine-tuning their business model and strengthening the company's structure.
Development of the Science Industry by extending the Pre-commercial Public Procurement model to the purchase of prototypes from research and technology entities and centres. This measure promotes the purchase of prototypes from research and technology entities and centres that want to develop startups. And, on the other hand, to those that propose collaboration with a company with the technological capacity to industrialise and commercialise this technological knowledge.
Health research and innovation
This block of measures seeks to strengthen biomedical and public health research . To do so, it focuses on reinforcing the capacities of the Carlos III Health Institute, the main public research body in this field, and promoting the professional careers of biomedical researchers and young talent through the reform of the Biomedical Research Law of 2007.
These are the five measures aimed at health research and innovation:
Mobilize emergency funds for biomedical research and business R&D&I on COVID-19.
Boost the material and human capacities of the Carlos III Health Institute.
Launch a Spanish Strategy for Personalized Medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
Reform the Biomedical Research Act of 2007.
Strengthen high biological security infrastructure for in vitro and preclinical experimentation aimed at developing vaccines and treatments for infectious diseases.
Transformation of the science system
This last axis has two main objectives:
Improve the career stability of scientific staff through structural reform.
Increase funding for the main competitive funding instruments aimed at science (contracts, equipment and infrastructure, calls for projects, etc.).
In particular, six measures aimed at the Spanish scientific sector have been detailed in 2020 and 2021:
1. Reform the Science Law of 2011 to establish a stable scientific career.
2. Increase funding for Spanish research groups, both in projects and in scientific-technical equipment and contract extensions.
3. Increase programs to attract and retain research talent .
4. Strengthening research centres of excellence – Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Programme.
5. Support ICTS and ESFRI (Oceanographic Vessel and LifeWatch).
6. Improve the conservation and use of Spain's plant heritage, preserving its biodiversity.