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Stronger Strategy

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:04 am
by rh06022005
Not only do specialist agencies have a conflict of interest, they are also limited in their strategic scope. They cannot cover the full range of marketing touchpoints, especially as B2B buyers now use up to 10 different channels.

The net result is simple: specialist agencies develop less effective marketing strategies and often produce worse results. This could manifest in two ways:

Missed opportunities: Key channels are overlooked mobile number data because the agency lacks the skills to leverage them properly
Underperforming campaigns: The specialists try to use channels which they lack the skills or experience to properly handle
4. Cost-Effectiveness
Poor results will always lead to lower ROI, but this is exacerbated by the inherent inefficiency of working with specialist agencies. Most B2B businesses that opt for this route either need:


Multiple external partners, which means spending a lot of time and effort on administrative and vendor management
Extra in-house employees, which creates extra fixed expenses
A CMO could spend several hours each week simply checking in with the various agencies they have hired. In contrast, a full stack agency will require just one meeting, which dramatically reduces the administrative burden and ultimately delivers far higher ROI in most cases.

What Kind of Business Benefits Most from a Full Stack Digital Marketing Strategy?
The above would strongly suggest every B2B business should opt for a full-stack agency. However, there are a handful of challenges that full-stack agencies are particularly well-positioned to solve:

1. Complex Audience
Some B2B businesses have relatively short and simple buyer journeys; these companies can often get away with focusing on just a few channels – though they will likely miss out on opportunities if they do so. But there are many companies who face much more complex challenges, such as: