In addition, it is now also possible to donate via Tikkie, a payment request via iDEAL. The donor can click on a Tikkie link or scan a QR code, with which he transfers the donation in a new screen. This means even more convenience and freedom for the donor.
After completing the donation, make sure that the donor is shown a thank you page that once again states the mission of the organization and how the donation contributes to it. Adding social share buttons can ensure that the donor recruits new donors from within his own circle.
4. Provide clear suggestions for donations
If a donor doesn't have to think about everything, you make the flow easier (recommendations: the book ' Nudge ' by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein and the book ' Thinking, Fast and Slow ' by Daniel Kahneman (aff.)). Preset donation amount suggestions are a good step for this. This way you limit the stress of the user about what is a 'normal' amount to donate.
To arrive at the best amounts, it is necessary to find out what the visitors would enter as an amount themselves. You do not want to propose an amount that is too low, which will cause visitors to donate less. But you also do not want an amount that is too high, because this will scare visitors away.
If it turns out that €20 was the most common donation last year, an option is to set the suggestions to: €5, €25 and €50. Visitors are more likely to pay €5 more than to lower it to €5.
Besides the fact that it is easier for the visitor – because fewer choices have to be made – preset amounts can also ensure that donations are higher. You can tick an amount in advance, which makes that option stand out more. We also call this anchoring .
Donation suggestions can be effective, as long as there is still an option for visitors to choose an amount themselves. Show in the different suggestions what the donation will be used for and how it contributes to the overall mission. Do this per donation suggestion, for example:
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For example, at Cordaid they show that with €15 you turkey telegram data can educate a hundred people in Yemen about the coronavirus. Such a concrete example of a donation can increase the willingness to donate and builds trust with the users.
On to the practice!
The steps mentioned are of course just the beginning. They are first handles to ensure that you can implement your first optimizations. Always make sure that you continue to measure and optimize the steps well in Analytics. In this way you make steps towards higher conversion of your donors.

What do you think: should beer brand Corona change its name?
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You are one of the most popular beers in the world, suddenly a virus with the same name appears. Whoever says 'corona' now no longer thinks of sun, summer, beach and a lime with the Mexican yellow gold, but of COVID-19. Just Google 'corona'. No beer to be seen in the search results. And if you add beer, the first hit is: "Brewer considers renaming worldwide Corona beer" (AD, May 27, 2020). Should Corona change its name? What do you think.