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What other way can you determine the market size?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:21 am
by rakibhasan02
An approach based on existing sales can be used. In this case, research organizations enter into data deals with large retail chains and analyze sales of a particular product category. Based on this, conclusions are made about the size of certain parts of the market.

Where can I get information for calculations?
Explore various sources of information:

Own indicators - monitoring sales on the market, trial purchases.
Commercial Research - Get a ready-made market consumption report or have one custom-made.
Government statistics - for example, check the Ministry of Economy data on consumption of goods or use Rosstat data on population size and average incomes.
Facts about companies are targeted industry database publicly available - they publish sales figures, financial reports, and other information that can be used to determine market size.
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How often should such calculations be performed?
It is useful to periodically calculate the size of the market in which your company operates. The cycle for doing this calculation depends on the specific industry. Typically, it should be done either quarterly or annually, depending on how much the market is changing.

Frequently Asked Questions about Market Capacity
Frequently Asked Questions about Market Capacity
You can determine the market volume yourself or entrust it to a specialized agency. An approximate result can be obtained without involving outsiders. However, if you need to obtain accurate information, you should seek help from specialists.