Why the first wave did seem to deliver a mountain of creative success

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Why the first wave did seem to deliver a mountain of creative success

Post by arzina566 »

Fortunately and unfortunately I am not the only one
Fortunately , because it is nice to get confirmation that your feeling is okay and to explain it, from our natural role as a herd animal. Unfortunately , because it is a worrying development that brings gloom. Because if we can no longer use our imagination, what do we get out of bed for?

The human imagination is that which provides new impulses and gives new energy. The crux lies in the origin of that imagination: for that, most people need stimuli that surprise you. And now that everyone's world has become a bit smaller (again), those stimuli disappear like an autumnal rain shower before the sun.

The first wave suddenly forced us to look at ourselves, our (free) time and our business in a different way. You saw the most beautiful initiatives emerge, both large and small: from a pub quiz and birthdays via Zoom to the support your locals movement and the home restaurant. The steak tartare was delivered by the owner himself, and all you had to do was assemble it. It was the time when we started to appreciate the little things again, gave nature the attention it deserves and in which we encouraged the people around us.

Although it now seems as if I am painting a pink cloud from which we all reaped the benefits: of course it wasn't all plain sailing back then either. In fact, the fear, terror and loneliness were perhaps germany telegram data many times greater then than they are now. But there was a different vibe in the air, and you could feel it.

A pink cloud full of creativity

The key words were 'together' and 'meaning'. Instead of doing things on your own, we sought each other out (digitally) and fought together for success and its deeper meaning. Not settling for, but making the best of it and trying new things to help each other. That was infectious and that energy was passed on, if I may speak for myself at least. We encouraged each other to try new things and to look outside your comfort zone. As a result, hobbies were (re)discovered and new revenue models were launched. Inspiration was there for the taking.


In the meantime, we have made some progress and have also secretly been able to taste “normal life” again. Now that we seem to be back to square one, the hopelessness is what dominates. No one can promise you with 200% certainty that it will stop, and when this will be. More than ever, we need that vibe that we had during the first wave. Especially since the gloomy weather is also playing tricks on most people.
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