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Click on edit page info and add a description to your page

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:40 am
by rh06022005
HIRD STEP: Edit page info/description
The very next thing to do now is to edit your info and add a description to it. Add contact details, address and change the page username to something more specific.

Once you fill out the required mexico whatsapp number details about your page, simply click on save and you are all done.

Your page is now ready and fully set to function.

Step By Step Guide to Creating Your Facebook Group
Now, it’s time to set up your Facebook group the right way…


STEP 1: Start the setup
STEP 2: Give your group a name
Once you click on create group, you will be shown the next tab indicating you give your group a name, add close friends and select a privacy setting.

STEP 3: Upload your group cover photo
Recommended sizing for the Facebook group cover photo is 1640px by 859px.

You can use Canva to create custom dimension images or better still get a graphic designer to help you out.

STEP 4: Edit group settings
Click on the three dots just beside the share button. A drop-down menu will appear, click on edit group setting.