Free shipping Take advantage of this date to offer free shipping . . To be able to cover the costs of free shipping, you have several options. You can either not offer a huge discount on the product to be able to cover these costs or you can do so starting from a specific purchase amount. Storytelling and emotional messages We are aware that people are moved by emotions and impulses , rather than by necessity, especially when it comes to B2C products.
This is why we recommend that you base your campaigns on emotional messages to grab their attention and reach their hearts directly. Round discounts Round discounts are the biggest draw . Discounts of 10, 20 and 50% are the most netherlands telegram data appealing to users as they are easy to calculate and they can instantly know how much the product will cost. Forget about figures like 35%, 28% or 45%, these percentages will not attract your buyers. Cross-selling with Black
Friday and Cyber Monday We already know that after Black Friday comes Cyper Monday, the last chance to "blow up" your sales before Christmas. We recommend that you run parallel campaigns for both dates, this way you will guarantee your sales on both days . Video marketing Video helps you increase your engagement , SEO positioning, visibility, ROI, etc.