What happens if the doctor gives you sick leave when you are on vacation?

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What happens if the doctor gives you sick leave when you are on vacation?

Post by Aklima@3 »

Do I lose vacation time if I am on sick leave? What happens if the sick leave starts before the vacation time? What happens if the contract ends during sick leave?
In this post, we answer these and other vacation-related questions that affect workers.
Post content
Sick leave and vacations: Incompatibilities
Sick leave: The safe conduct to be able to enjoy the right to vacation
Monday and Tuesday: The days with the most sick leave
Sick leave: An upward trend during the pandemic
Sick days do not prevent vacations
Sick leave and vacation days: frequently asked questions
New developments in the processing of medical leave in 2023
Employees should use their entitlement to vacation during the calendar year in which it was earned. However, in some circumstances, days can be “carried over” to the following year. One such circumstance is when there is an illness, meaning that it will always be possible to transfer the days off and take them when health is restored.

However, there is a time limit for recovering vacation days: no more than 18 months may have passed since the end of the year to which the vacation corresponds.

Can we continue on vacation during sick leave? What happens if the sick leave begins before the vacation period begins? In the following lines we answer these and other questions that affect your company.

Start of marked textTWEET IT! Find out what happens canadian healthcare and medical email list if you take sick leave during your vacation, and when and how you can enjoy your vacation.End of marked text

1) Sick leave and vacations: Incompatibilities
Holidays are not lost due to being on sick leave, but will be activated again once the employee is discharged. However, during sick leave, the employee must obtain the consent of the doctor of the public health services or the mutual insurance company to go on holiday.


If the vacation period coincides with a medical leave, the employee has the right to recover the days not taken.

2) Sick leave: The safe conduct to be able to enjoy the right to vacation
Many unforeseen circumstances can occur during a worker's vacation: contracting an illness such as the flu or suffering an accident that results in a series of injuries, for example.

But what about holidays? Should they be enjoyed from the sofa or from bed? The answer is no. With the corresponding sick leave certificate , it is possible to interrupt the holidays in order to be able to enjoy them when the worker recovers . Let us not forget that it is not possible to renounce a right that is even recognized in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
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