2 out of 3 respondents (67.39%) indicate that their company applies specific training plans with the aim of improving the productivity and efficiency of human resources, according to the I Adecco Outsourcing Barometer on productivity and efficiency .
The key question is: what can your company do to increase employee productivity? What effective measures can be taken?
The Adecco Barometer, which we have mentioned above, shows that the average productivity level of companies in Spain is 58.78 points out of 100. This means that 6 out of 10 companies in Spain apply and monitor policies to improve productivity . In this article we are going to focus on labour productivity and the measures that can be taken to optimise it.
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What is labor productivity?
Work productivity is often associated with the ability to do more tasks in less time. However, it can be simply defined as the resources consumed at work to achieve a result.
The formula is as follows:
Labor productivity = Goods produced or services provided/Resources used
It is not just about achieving more results in less time, but also about having a healthier life and having a good balance between professional and work life. In this way, the canadian colleges universities email list health of workers and their general well-being are protected. In other words, being productive does not mean working more hours, but rather working less and achieving good results.
Productivity is defined as the resources consumed at work to achieve a result.
Why is it important to measure labor productivity in your company?
Productivity is directly related to company growth and measuring it will help you:
Set goals for your company and anticipate future problems.
Know your employees and what elements work and what don't in your organization.
Check whether the working methodologies you use are useful or if you need to change something.
Discover the causes of low productivity and solve them.
Measure the evolution of the productivity measures you have taken and correct deviations.