Including corporate social responsibility in a business's marketing strategy is a way to take advantage of the visibility and influence that many brands and professionals have to give voice to social causes that concern us all.
The most committed have already joined this initiative. And there is no doubt that acting responsibly brings global benefits to society, but also to those who defend them.
“More and more consumers are choosing socially responsible brands ivory coast phone number data over those that are only interested in economics.”
In this sense, creating content with a powerful social message is essential (whether in text, video, or audio format). Therefore, and so that you keep this in mind, in this article you will learn:
What is corporate social responsibility (CSR) and what types are there?
The importance of CSR and the impact it has on the world.
Success stories of major brands that apply it.
1 · What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
1.1 ► Corporate Social Responsibility: Definition
1.2 ► Types of Corporate Social Responsibility: Examples
1.2.1 Corporate Social Responsibility for freelancers:
1.2.2 Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs:
1.2.3 Corporate Social Responsibility for large companies:
2 · Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
3 · Corporate Social Responsibility success stories
3.1 ► Starbucks responsible coffee
3.2 ► Mercadona and its involvement
3.3 ► The social impact of L'Oreal
3.4 ► IKEA and sustainable development
4 · Conclusions about CSR
· What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
The best synonym you can use when talking about corporate social responsibility is 'respect'. Respect for your team, for your clients, for your immediate surroundings, for the planet, for society and for the environment.
“The concept is becoming more and more widespread, and more professionals and brands are joining in to do their part.”
And even if you think you are too small, I assure you that no matter how small your contribution is, it will add up to the common good.
► Corporate Social Responsibility: Definition
This term was born in the nineties as a call to attention to companies (large and small), as well as local businesses, to improve coexistence between them, close communication, respect and collaboration.
“ Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as a form of action based on commitment to social causes.”
That is to say, the actions of a company or business that works under this umbrella must always be aligned with ethical and responsible values that they have assumed for the benefit of society.
In general, we are all beneficiaries, but specifically, the benefits that this type of philosophy can bring to a business are the following: