The ultimate goal is an affirmative answer to asia mobile number list this question: Do the measures you are taking have a positive and demonstrable impact on your company's value proposition to its audiences ?
If the answer is not a resounding yes, there is still time to react . There are weeks left to re-evaluate, to define new strategies, the correct channels and an appropriate communication strategy to solve the Covid-19 situation.

Makes it impossible to return, at least in the short and medium term, to the traditional conference model. It is certain that we will not have a business meal or a promotional trip again for months. However, this type of event continues to be a very useful space for companies' commercial strategy, so it does not seem like a good idea to simply give them up. This will undoubtedly cause virtual conferences to increase significantly in the coming months.
For communication and marketing professionals, and for company executives who consider it important, there is work ahead . Both for the coming days, and for when we leave home to resume old routines.