Make sure the rewards are enticing enough to motivate customers to make a purchase. For example, offering a significant discount or free gift with purchase can make the difference between a casual browser and a buyer.
Quizzes are an interactive and personalized way to engage your audience while gathering valuable insights.
For example, a beauty brand could create a mobile numbers database quiz titled “What’s Your Perfect Skincare Routine?” Based on their answers, you can segment your audience and send them targeted Black Friday offers that are tailored to their preferences.
Quizzes are a fun way for customers to engage with your brand, and they also provide data that can inform future marketing efforts. By recommending personalized products, you increase the chances of conversion and improve the overall shopping experience.
Wrapping up
Black Friday is a golden opportunity for small business owners to boost sales, clear out inventory, and attract new customers.
By using these 12 Black Friday marketing ideas, you can create a standout Black Friday campaign that drives significant revenue while building customer loyalty.
Launch a quiz to segment your audience
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- Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:30 am