Make sure every important page has an H1

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Make sure every important page has an H1

Post by ahbappy250 »

Using only one H1 creates hierarchy and gives the page a more logical structure.

It makes it easier for the reader (and those who use screen readers) to read and understand the topic of the page.

H1 refers to the main topic or heading. H2 is for important subheadings. H3 refers to the subheadings that support those subheadings. And so on:

SEO Heading Best Practices
Each page should have only one main topic and denmark number for whatsapp one heading. And that should be your only H1.
Considering that the H1 tag is the most important heading, every important page should have one.

Which pages are important? That’s up to you. But a good place to start is to consider every page you want to rank for in Google searches as important.

To find pages with missing or empty H1s:

Go to the Semrush Site Audit tool
Enter your homepage URL and click “ Start Audit ”
Click on the “ Problems ” tab
Type “h1” in the search bar
Click on the warning message for pages that do not have an H1
find pages without H1
3. Include your target keywords
A study of Google ranking factors suggests that including your main keyword in your H1 tag is a ranking factor.


In addition to your meta title, Google uses your H1 to determine if your content is relevant to a query.

In other words:

A page with a highly relevant H1 for a query will likely rank well for that query.

Additionally, it makes sense to include your target keywords to make it clear to readers what the page is about.

We do this for all our blog posts. Below you can see how we included the keywords “title tag” and “alt text” in two separate blog post H1s:
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