This mode is also called “private profile characteristics”.
None of your personal information will be revealed, but the viewer will be able to see your job title and industry.
This is particularly useful when you are researching specific profiles for your company, but you don't really want your personal information to be revealed, nor do you want to be contacted.
Networking with new connections without revealing your full identity
Discreetly gathering information when looking for a new job
Conducting competitive analysis
Researching market trends without alerting the owner your mobile number database specific interest
Semi-private mode strikes a balance between anonymity and providing enough information to facilitate meaningful networking and research activities on the platform.
LinkedIn private mode
When you choose this mode, LinkedIn will not reveal any information about you to the person whose profile you viewed.
They will only see that an anonymous LinkedIn member viewed their profile.
This mode can be very useful and your best ally in the research process.
Essentially, you will be able to visit the profiles you need without leaving your fingerprints behind.
When to use LinkedIn private mode
LinkedIn's private mode can be very beneficial in many scenarios when you wish to maintain your privacy.
However, we do not recommend sticking to the private mode permanently, as the main goal on LinkedIn should be to grow your network and build relationships. Therefore making your name be seen is important.