It is true that teamwork is governed by predefined guidelines . But it is also true that within these guidelines multiple egos interact with an infinite ios phone number data number of personal traits and circumstances . This adds an unpredictable variable to the processes. Add to this the fact that events are one of the most complex marketing tools at the organizational level, and here we have the subject of our article today

The aspects we are going to discuss below may seem generic, and to a certain extent they are, because they apply to any sector. And yet, we are going to try to explain why in the case of the organization of corporate events they have a special twist that is worth taking into account.
The true value of HR
Yes, a good team is not born, it is made. And its creation begins already in the candidate selection phase. Of course, it is not about turning any selection process into a talent contest. Far from it. Simply, already in the search phase, the HR manager must be very clear about who he is looking for . And to do so, the head of the department with the vacancy to be filled must be able to explain his needs very well. Clarifying these aspects is crucial, because in the situation of the 'great talent drain' that we are experiencing as a result of the recent pandemic, it can make things much easier. In other words, if it is already difficult to find people in the events sector, it is twice as difficult if you are not clear about who you are looking for.
But there is something more than just resumes, careers and professional achievements. HR managers also have to be well versed in the intangible values that predominate in the team . If you will allow us the expression, they have to “get the hang of it” so that the new person integrates into the team easily and naturally.
4foreverything Team
Blessed complexity
And in the case of the organization of corporate events, creating a homogeneous work environment can be that extra point that makes things flow much more and better . Because in the process, such a large and complex multidisciplinary team participates, in which numerous professional profiles with such different work dynamics come together, the fact that people share the same vision, values and approach can greatly facilitate coordination throughout the entire production chain in all phases. But not only that. Being aligned in the vision despite the differences allows us to learn from diversity rather than seeing it as an obstacle.
Unfortunately, not everyone who becomes a manager is qualified to exercise the necessary leadership. A good team leader must not only know how to deliver work on time , but also do so in a way that no one gets burned out along the way. But, above all, they must contribute. Fluency in communication , good knowledge of people , their concerns and ways of thinking, frustrations and 'superpowers', motivation through example... All this, once again, is essential for a process as complex as the organisation of corporate events.
It is an extremely delicate task that requires constant critical thinking, the ability to see oneself from the outside and readjust strategies on the fly. And this aspect becomes even more important given the gradual incorporation of the 'zetas' into the labor market. This is a generation completely different from all previous ones due to its value system, priorities in life and its general vision of the concept of "work."