The tax and social increases continue

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The tax and social increases continue

Post by kolikhatun0022 »

Tax and social increases
Hello everyone, I would like to discuss with you again the new measures that are being implemented in terms of social costs. Now it is time for contributions, of course, another cost.

As you may have heard in the media, last Monday, November 15, the Spanish Government reached an agreement with the main unions CCOO and UGT that had been in the making for a long gambling data mexico phone number time, to increase social contributions by 0.6% in the so-called Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI) . Of course, another acronym to digest in this maelstrom of acronyms and abbreviations.

Finally, continuing with the matter at hand, it should be noted that this increase is not only assumed by the business world, although it suffers, as always, the greatest of the attacks. Thus the percentage increase is distributed in 0.5% for companies and 0.1% for the worker . As can be seen, there is an evident imbalance in the contributions between company and worker, a fundamental reason why the CEOE employers' association does not appear nor is it in agreement with the aforementioned agreement, since they indicate that " the overload on companies is already unsustainable ".

Increase in prices
During 2021, companies are contributing 23.6% of the Contribution Base for common contingencies and employees 4.7%, making a total of 28.3%.
According to the expected increase, companies will start paying 24.1% and employees 4.8%, bringing the total contributions to 28.9%.


Beginning of the climb
The deadline for this increase will be from 2023 to 2032. The objective is to get the State to collect 50 billion euros for the Pension Reserve Fund. Do you think that this will still be achieved? Do you think that this money will be managed efficiently?

I speak on my own behalf when I say that the pressure to which the State is subjecting, through its different administrations, the company, especially the SME, which statistically maintains the labour fabric of this country, is beginning to be unbearable. The different pressure points, like cheap acupuncture, to which we are subjected are achieving a lack of external competitiveness, lack or no profitability and doubts about the viability of business projects. For all this and as a small spokesperson for all those who identify with SMEs, I would like to ask, like a letter to the Three Wise Men from the East, that they at least stop putting pressure on the business fabric and therefore on the labour fabric, which will be greatly compromised.

I hope I don't have to see more complex scenarios, so I invite everyone to continue doing what we have been doing up until now, to get out of our rest every morning to ensure that a country, region, municipality or neighborhood continues to be prosperous thanks to the efforts of each one of us.

Carlos Marques Vazquez
CEO SC Marques Group
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