We want to highlight the importance of omnichannel , both from the point of view of brands' communications with users, and from the omnichannel shopping experience of customers in promotions.
Below we tell you what the campaign business owner database consisted of , whether it was successful or not and what the client thinks of the results achieved.
What did the campaign consist of?
The cross-media campaign that we are going to present to you below, and as we have already mentioned, has to do with the interactive catalogue . It started on April 1, 2022 and ended on April 30, 2022.

The objective of the campaign was to increase traffic, give visibility to the “Product of the Year” event and increase the awareness of the brands present taking into account digital catalogue services, Reach digital diffusion.
Let's see what the services included in this campaign consisted of.
Services included in the cross media campaign
Interactive catalogue
The catalogue highlighted the products nominated as products of the year , compiling all of them with links that redirect to the brand's website and with the possibility of adding the products to a wish list and sharing it via WhatsApp.
Programmatic display campaign to amplify the campaign's reach.
Has the campaign been successful?
Absolutely yes. Investment in cross media was almost 6 thousand euros and the objectives in some KPIs, such as catalog readings, banners and reach impressions, were exceeded.
As for the interactive catalogue , which had an extension of 15 pages, the KPIs that were defined were interactive readings, pages viewed, average catalogue retention, average pages viewed, retention per page.
In this sense, the overperformance of the campaign was 121%, with mobile being the preferred access channel for users.
On the other hand, the CTR for all clicks was 23.3%, with food, beverages and personal care being the categories that received the most clicks.
If we take into account the results of push notifications , 12,354 notifications were sent between email, app and web, so the CTR of these remained constant throughout the campaign and without discriminating the channels. This tells us that user interest did not decrease at any time.
Finally, in the programmatic display campaign, the objective was to generate traffic to the interactive catalogue, so it was directed at users with an interest in the supermarket sector. A CTR of 0.2% was achieved.