Artificial intelligence is the leading trend in the development of information technologies this year. Neural networks have penetrated many spheres of life: they are mentioned in the news, their creations appear in advertising, websites filled with robots are multiplying on the Internet. Smart services have mastered writing and editing texts, creating visual content. Hundreds of online courses have appeared on the Internet that help to understand Chat GPT and similar products.
The idea of shifting content creation to robots seems promising. Press a button - and high-quality text for the site is ready. No need to look for copywriters, editors, or mess around with edits. However, in practice, not everything is so rosy.
Artificial intelligence is still far from the level of expert text. In hungary phone number material terms of collecting facts, machines limp on both legs. However, technologies are developing. It is difficult to predict what level of writing skill they will reach in five years.
As a result, content professionals are wondering whether they will lose their jobs in the foreseeable future.
The spread of neural networks is noticeably changing the industry: somewhere it simplifies processes, somewhere it requires the introduction of new quality standards. It is not yet clear where this trend will lead us, but it is interesting to follow the progress . Today we will discuss how artificial intelligence is changing content marketing.
AI texts and search engines
With the advent of neural networks, creating SEO texts has become easier. It is enough to decide on a topic, select keywords and enter them into the service. Basic tools will generate general material, advanced ones will analyze articles from the top and write a detailed text.
But there is one "but". Search engines have the technical ability to identify generated materials. The only question is how they will treat them. Will such content be marked as low-quality, or will algorithms give people and robots equal opportunities in the fight for users' attention.
There are not many examples of high-quality AI texts on the Internet that could come close to materials from experts and professional copywriters. Decent options have a lot of manual editing.
There is no need to fear competition from neural networks yet. They do a good job of generating simple texts: descriptions of categories or products, comments, reviews. They are still far from full-fledged longreads .
However, Google has already made an official statement that they will not intentionally lower AI texts in search results. They will continue to focus on quality and benefit for the reader, not authorship. With one exception: if artificial intelligence does not manipulate search algorithms, otherwise the resource will be banned.
Artificial Intelligence as a Newsfeed
What neural networks do best these days is attract everyone's attention. The results of their work are often just an idea for a finished product. Or absurd and unusual content for advertising. Messages about campaigns prepared with the participation of AI fly around the media and social networks.
For example, designer John Mauriello asked Dall-E 2 to draw a car similar to a MacBook and Magic Mouse. The concept of Apple's car became a hot topic.