How to Use LSI Keyword for Better Text Ranking
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:12 am
Latent semantic indexing. It sounds complicated, but the essence of the method is extremely simple. On the promoted page of the site, you need to use as many thematic words as possible so that it is relevant to the request.
Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved. SEO specialists need to keep track of trends and changing rules. Keywords and anchors like “buy something somewhere cheap” are now doing more harm than good, although SEO veterans used them quite effectively a few years ago.
LSI copywriting began to develop around 2013. Let's figure out what LSI words are and how to use them correctly in SEO.
What are LSI words?
Latent semantic indexing. It sounds complicated, but the essence of the method is extremely simple. On the promoted page of the site, you need to use as many thematic words as possible so that it is relevant to the request.
Search engines have become smarter, and their algorithms can recognize ghana phone number material how well the text as a whole corresponds to the user's interests. Therefore, for a good SEO text, keywords alone are not enough - it is important that they are surrounded by synonyms or simply words close to the topic of the query.
That is, LSI keys are words and phrases that will help reflect the essence of the page and let the search engine know that the text is relevant to the request and useful for the user.
Why Use LSI in SEO Copywriting
The essence of search engines is increasingly reduced to promoting high-quality, expert content. And to achieve this, search engines use clear algorithms that are constantly being improved. Semantic analysis of text now works much deeper than 10 years ago. Therefore, the requirements for texts have become different.
Let's look at a simple example to make it clearer. We have a query "winter boots". It is highly likely that the user is a woman and wants to find online stores that sell winter boots. But the search returns a site with an article about dresses that "go great with either winter boots or sneakers." The keyword is there, but the content is not relevant to what the user wants to get. For the search engine to understand that the page is useful, additional words are needed: shoes, high, genuine leather, women's, heeled, platform, ankle boots, store, prices, delivery, discount, etc.
Search engines analyze the experience: time spent on the page, whether the user searched again or found what they needed, etc. Over time, a set of words appears in the search engine's database that must be in the text to satisfy the user's request.
Features of LSI copywriting
Если вы пишете авторскую статью, понимаете, что нужно читателю, и искренне стараетесь ему помочь, полностью раскрывая тему, то вы, скорее всего, будете использовать нужные ключи по умолчанию. Но мы рекомендуем перестраховаться и сделать подбор LSI-слов, особенно если составляете задание для копирайтера. Для этого есть специальные сервисы, которые анализируют ТОП выдачи поисковой сети и составляют списки наиболее значимых ключей. К ним мы скоро вернемся.
Используя метод LSI в копирайтинге, вы с большей вероятностью продвинете сайт в органическом поиске. При этом топорное использование ключей, без особого смысла и пользы для читателя, вряд ли приведет к желаемому результату. Основная цель любого SEO-текста — дать информацию, которую желает увидеть пользователь в ответ на свой запрос.
Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved. SEO specialists need to keep track of trends and changing rules. Keywords and anchors like “buy something somewhere cheap” are now doing more harm than good, although SEO veterans used them quite effectively a few years ago.
LSI copywriting began to develop around 2013. Let's figure out what LSI words are and how to use them correctly in SEO.
What are LSI words?
Latent semantic indexing. It sounds complicated, but the essence of the method is extremely simple. On the promoted page of the site, you need to use as many thematic words as possible so that it is relevant to the request.
Search engines have become smarter, and their algorithms can recognize ghana phone number material how well the text as a whole corresponds to the user's interests. Therefore, for a good SEO text, keywords alone are not enough - it is important that they are surrounded by synonyms or simply words close to the topic of the query.
That is, LSI keys are words and phrases that will help reflect the essence of the page and let the search engine know that the text is relevant to the request and useful for the user.
Why Use LSI in SEO Copywriting
The essence of search engines is increasingly reduced to promoting high-quality, expert content. And to achieve this, search engines use clear algorithms that are constantly being improved. Semantic analysis of text now works much deeper than 10 years ago. Therefore, the requirements for texts have become different.
Let's look at a simple example to make it clearer. We have a query "winter boots". It is highly likely that the user is a woman and wants to find online stores that sell winter boots. But the search returns a site with an article about dresses that "go great with either winter boots or sneakers." The keyword is there, but the content is not relevant to what the user wants to get. For the search engine to understand that the page is useful, additional words are needed: shoes, high, genuine leather, women's, heeled, platform, ankle boots, store, prices, delivery, discount, etc.
Search engines analyze the experience: time spent on the page, whether the user searched again or found what they needed, etc. Over time, a set of words appears in the search engine's database that must be in the text to satisfy the user's request.
Features of LSI copywriting
Если вы пишете авторскую статью, понимаете, что нужно читателю, и искренне стараетесь ему помочь, полностью раскрывая тему, то вы, скорее всего, будете использовать нужные ключи по умолчанию. Но мы рекомендуем перестраховаться и сделать подбор LSI-слов, особенно если составляете задание для копирайтера. Для этого есть специальные сервисы, которые анализируют ТОП выдачи поисковой сети и составляют списки наиболее значимых ключей. К ним мы скоро вернемся.
Используя метод LSI в копирайтинге, вы с большей вероятностью продвинете сайт в органическом поиске. При этом топорное использование ключей, без особого смысла и пользы для читателя, вряд ли приведет к желаемому результату. Основная цель любого SEO-текста — дать информацию, которую желает увидеть пользователь в ответ на свой запрос.