Content Marketing in the International Market: Promotion Features and Key Trends
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 6:44 am
In this guide, Irina Sun, Director of Development for the International Editorial Board at Contentim, will share her many years of experience and tell you how content marketing on the international market differs from everything you do now.
The Internet offers online projects unlimited opportunities. At any moment, you can decide that the Russian-language market has exhausted itself and set out to conquer new ones. The approaches to promotion costa rica phone number resource will not be turned upside down: the focus will shift, resources will be distributed differently. Only the content will have to be completely changed. And no, translation will not be enough. Without adapting messages to the characteristics of a foreign audience, good results will not be achieved. In this guide, we will share all the main information on the topic. Let's go!
Filling the site for an international audience
Start conquering new markets by preparing your main asset - the website. There are three options:
Create an independent resource for a new target audience. Change the domain, design and overall promotion strategy. Good, but expensive and time-consuming. Example: +
Connect a language or local subdomain to the main domain. This approach will help you not to lose your earned reputation, but will require resources. It will suit a large international project. Example: —
Add language sections. The easiest way to expand your reach without losing the results of your previous efforts. Cons: a large number of sections will overload the site structure. Example: —
For more information on translating a resource to international standards, read this guide .
Now let's talk about how the content on an international site will differ from the content of a Russian-language site. Of course, everything is very individual and depends on the project, but general trends can be traced.
Features of copywriting in the West:
The most important role is played by the transmission of brand values, which will ensure customer loyalty. Without deception and clichés. Long-term relationships can only be built on truth and trust.
Emotions. In some markets, they are especially relevant, for example, in the USA. Texts that evoke feelings sell better.
Attracting and retaining attention. Competition in the English-speaking market does not allow you to relax. You have to invent new ways to stick in the memory and retain the attention of users. This can be a funny presentation, storytelling, intrigue or engaging visual content.
Персонализация на новом уровне. Лучшие игроки адаптируют содержание сайта под каждого посетителя, создают сотни посадочных страниц и постоянно оптимизируют усилия. Только статистика подскажет, какие тексты конвертируют посетителей, а какие заметно проседают.
Краткость. Донесите свою мысль в паре предложений или даже фраз. На западных рынках наблюдается тенденция к сокращению текста и наполнению страниц визуалами.
Социальные доказательства. Незаменимы на любом рынке. В международном контексте чаще подчеркивается принадлежность к сообществу похожих пользователей.
В чем различия продающих текстов для США и Европы, рассказала главный редактор Контентим Виктория Майкл.
The Internet offers online projects unlimited opportunities. At any moment, you can decide that the Russian-language market has exhausted itself and set out to conquer new ones. The approaches to promotion costa rica phone number resource will not be turned upside down: the focus will shift, resources will be distributed differently. Only the content will have to be completely changed. And no, translation will not be enough. Without adapting messages to the characteristics of a foreign audience, good results will not be achieved. In this guide, we will share all the main information on the topic. Let's go!
Filling the site for an international audience
Start conquering new markets by preparing your main asset - the website. There are three options:
Create an independent resource for a new target audience. Change the domain, design and overall promotion strategy. Good, but expensive and time-consuming. Example: +
Connect a language or local subdomain to the main domain. This approach will help you not to lose your earned reputation, but will require resources. It will suit a large international project. Example: —
Add language sections. The easiest way to expand your reach without losing the results of your previous efforts. Cons: a large number of sections will overload the site structure. Example: —
For more information on translating a resource to international standards, read this guide .
Now let's talk about how the content on an international site will differ from the content of a Russian-language site. Of course, everything is very individual and depends on the project, but general trends can be traced.
Features of copywriting in the West:
The most important role is played by the transmission of brand values, which will ensure customer loyalty. Without deception and clichés. Long-term relationships can only be built on truth and trust.
Emotions. In some markets, they are especially relevant, for example, in the USA. Texts that evoke feelings sell better.
Attracting and retaining attention. Competition in the English-speaking market does not allow you to relax. You have to invent new ways to stick in the memory and retain the attention of users. This can be a funny presentation, storytelling, intrigue or engaging visual content.
Персонализация на новом уровне. Лучшие игроки адаптируют содержание сайта под каждого посетителя, создают сотни посадочных страниц и постоянно оптимизируют усилия. Только статистика подскажет, какие тексты конвертируют посетителей, а какие заметно проседают.
Краткость. Донесите свою мысль в паре предложений или даже фраз. На западных рынках наблюдается тенденция к сокращению текста и наполнению страниц визуалами.
Социальные доказательства. Незаменимы на любом рынке. В международном контексте чаще подчеркивается принадлежность к сообществу похожих пользователей.
В чем различия продающих текстов для США и Европы, рассказала главный редактор Контентим Виктория Майкл.