Case study is a content format based on user experience. It is an effective way to make a name for yourself. Potential clients want to know more about you before starting cooperation. When slogans and promises are confirmed by clients’ experience, it instills even more trust in the company.
Cases allow you to:
Convey the social significance of your project.
Telling a customer's success story is most effective in the middle or late funnel.
Help a potential client make a purchasing decision.
Effective vs Ineffective Case Study
What distinguishes a successful case from an ineffective one? The best finland phone number library results are shown by customer stories that help solve a specific problem. The reader has read the experience of a company or consumer who is already cooperating with you and realized: "Yes, this is exactly what will help solve my problem!"
One of the main principles of success of this type of content is the right questions for case studies. At the end of the article, we will share a list of universal questions for interviews, in what order it is better to ask them. In the meantime, we will tell you about the main principles of building a successful case.
1. It's not just what you ask that matters, but who you interview.
Technically, you can write a good text without quoting the client. But when the case study contains direct answers from clients, a good case turns into a great one!
Be responsible when choosing a company and its representative. Ideally, it is a brand that inspires trust, which your target audience strives to match. In addition, you need to have a good relationship and be able to talk openly, freely and get honest answers to important questions.
When choosing a brand representative to interview, ask who has interacted with the product the most. Ask to set up a meeting with them.
2. Selecting an interview format
You can meet a company representative in person, talk on the phone, or ask questions for a case study in an email interview. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. Analyze them and choose the option that suits your situation best.
Personal meeting
The difficulty is that it requires everyone to set aside enough time - to prepare, to decide on a meeting place and to get there. If you are not yet acquainted, it will take time to establish a comfortable mode of communication.
Often, formulating an answer requires time to think. And a personal meeting, as a rule, requires an immediate response. However, this is not always a bad thing - such answers are more sincere. In addition, personal interaction is always more effective - you read non-verbal signals, you can understand which question is most interesting, and "spin" it, learning more really valuable information.
Video interview
A good alternative to a personal meeting - it is easier to organize, you do not need to waste time on travel. At the same time, the ability to read non-verbal signals is preserved. The participants of the meeting, as a rule, are a little less constrained than in personal interaction. Another significant advantage is the ability to record a video meeting.
The downside is the same lack of time to prepare and think through the answers. In addition, many entrepreneurs schedule video meetings one after another, and the time for the interview is limited.