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Focus on the right leads

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:44 am
by mdsakilmdsak0987
Years ago, Salesflare's website said "Less work, more sales" and that's still usa phone number list Salesflare's goal today.

There are two main ways to increase sales with less work:

Automate the right parts of the job
Lavorare sui lead giusti (al momento giusto)
This product update focuses more on the latter aspect.

While the new features may seem like small additions, their implications are quite profound.

Lasciate che vi portiamo a fare un giro!


Identify opportunities that aren't moving in your pipeline
Want to see which opportunities have recently moved to another stage in the pipeline? Or maybe ones that haven't moved in a while?
Now you can filter opportunities simply by "last stage modified date".

opportunità stantie nella pipeline
Get an overview of all the "stale opportunities" that haven't moved any further in recent times
As always, Salesflare’s filtering options are available for all entities, which means you can also filter by accounts, contacts, or even activities to find those for which the related opportunities have or have not changed stages.

For example, you can use this new feature to send an email to all contacts related to an opportunity that hasn't changed stages recently.

inviare via e-mail tutti i contatti relativi a opportunità non più attuali
Send an email to all your "stale opportunities" contacts to give them a digital boost
You can now create reports based on the "stage last modified date".

For example, if you want to know where your opportunities are in the sales pipeline, you can create a rapporto sulle vendite like this:

Report on: "Opportunities
View from: "Opportunity Phase"
Measure from: "# of opportunities"
Filter by: "Opportunity stage modified date more than x days ago."
Apply dashboard time filter to: Enable the advanced option "Do not apply dashboard time filter".
relazione sulle opportunità bloccate
Report where opportunities are stuck in the pipeline
Or you can use it to add a weekly progress report to your sales dashboard , for the team or for each member of the sales team.

Let us know what you build in the end!