It is a whole network, a secret conspiracy. I will tell you how it works and what to do.
How it all works
There are people who are engaged in botting.
Botting is like gardening, only with bots - fake Facebook profiles that pretend to be real people. These profiles go around and add you as friends.
First the story
Here, someone named Ivan Govnov is added to your friends list. You see that you and Ivan have 5 mutual friends and add him back.
And then you forget how you know this person and why he is your friend.
One fine day, Ivan suggests that you like his page "Reinforced Concrete Blocks".
You think that he is your friend and for the sake of solidarity you like it (or not).
In fact, Ivan Govnov is a very ordinary bot from a bot farm. A robot japan mobile phone numbers database that works for a large system.
How does the system work with bots
There are hundreds of thousands of bots on Facebook. Hundreds of sad eyes of Ivan Govnovs could be attractive to someone and even seem cute. Don't fall for it!
They are created specifically to be sold on secret forums. Here's how it works.
If you are a business owner, your page needs real subscribers. Ivan Govnov adds real people as friends and then lures them to your page.
For him to do this, it is enough to go to a secret forum and pay the bot owner.
Bots add people by interests or just anyone, it depends on the conditions.
The bot owner gets money, the businessman gets real subscribers. And only the bot gets nothing.
For example, on such forums, for 10,000 subscribers they ask from 10,000 rubles.
This method of promotion does not provide exact guarantees. Who knows if bots really attract people by interests.
In fact, this is bad for business. Because people did not add themselves and most likely they are not interested in "Reinforced Concrete Blocks". Such a subscriber will not like the page's posts or will hide it from the feed altogether. This threatens a bad reputation for the page, it is more difficult to promote such a page.
A group with a small but responsive following works better than one with 10,000 silent ones.
We are currently working on such a bad group, to which the previous SMM agency added 10,000 users. It is more difficult to work in this situation - for Facebook the reputation is damaged.
Anticipating the question, I will answer: for the promotion of groups, it is best to use civilized advertising. Set it up so as to show your group to those who will be really interested in it. Write the right ad and enjoy interested subscribers. As we do here .
But let's get back to our bots.
What to do if you are an ordinary person and you are fed up with it
The advice is universal - keep track of who you add. Even if you and your new friend have common acquaintances on Facebook.
A bot profile usually doesn't have any unique content, only reposts.
But that doesn't mean a real person with reposts is a bot:) That's the irony of life.
Conduct an experiment
If you don't know the person, don't be shy to write to them personally and ask why they're adding you as a friend.
I conducted such an experiment myself. Friendship in this case becomes more pleasant and you can always look in the correspondence - what kind of friend is this.
My welcome message looked like this:
"Hello. You added me as a friend. I avoid spam, but I do not avoid new friends. That's why I ask this question. Tell me where you came from and how we can be useful to each other. Thank you."
Four out of 10 people responded to me. Then my enthusiasm was washed away by a wave of business affairs and I ended the experiment.
But overall the results are pleasing - you recognize real people and communicate with them.
And you reject bots.
Now I do it differently - I accumulate a sufficient number of friend requests, then in the evening with a cup of coffee I sort through the profiles and add those who look like a lively and interesting person.
What else can be done: the castration method
To stop this infection, you can participate a little and show civic consciousness.

If you are asked to tag a page and you don't know the person, do the following:
Go to this page and report spam. You can do it here:
facebook page
2. Then go to the "person" who added you. Complain about him. Specifically about the profile. Facebook will ask you what he did to you, this "person". Tell him about the spam.
shit in karma
This way you will make a small contribution to the war against spam and inadequate, stupid advertising.
After some time of careful filtering of new friends, the nightmare will pass and you will live a happy and calm Facebook life.
Don't forget my advice about setting up your tube news feeds . And you will become happier than a unicorn.
I wish everyone happiness, health, good mood and clean pages.
Your Facebook psychologist.