Thanks to the specific function dedicated to search intent, it is possible to discover if we are analyzing a key topic or a search that can be covered by an article dedicated to a broader theme.
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As this screenshot suggests, we are talking about an informational search (the public types it to get clarifications, not to buy something) and we can write an article dedicated to a different topic but capable of covering a series of searches for which it will be useless to create content.
Structured Data Definition
Semantic SEO is also based on a series of structured data that allow you to give meaning to what you write in an article or on a web page. A number remains a number but if you accompany it with a string of code you can tell Google that you have entered a price. Or a date of birth.
For Google, we no longer speak of keywords but of entities . That is, entities, something that has a very precise meaning within the page. And that the search engine uses to return the best results even if these elements are not a direct SEO positioning factor .
So, before you even create your content by managing co-occurrences, correlates and lateral ontologies (i.e. terms that describe an object without mentioning it) it is right to think about to identify possible optimizations on this front. And improve semantic SEO .
structured data example
Remember that Google will try in every way to extract this information and perhaps create a detailed snippet as you see in the image. But the presence of structured data, which you can verify with different tools ( and ), allows you to obtain immediate results.
Content Creation
After doing topic research – instead of keyword research – we need to write the content. Here’s the advice : we need to be less schematic and more oriented towards natural, simple and direct language. We are talking to certain people, to the target, so we need to respect it.
This happens in different ways. First of all, you need an analysis of the serp , that is, the results that are already positioned and what Google shows on the pages related to a specific query.
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If I want to cover the query, scrittura onlineit is worth doing some Oman Phone Numbers research to understand what works and what people want. Not a text about the good art of web copywriting – online writing – but a tool to create different characters to copy and paste on Instagram. So, what does it mean?
Simple, on the page you will not spend many words on online writing but you will give the public an application already above the fold. This is also the work of semantic SEO online . Especially if we proceed with another point, that is the one that allows us to define the structure of the content.
The research around the topic that we have carried out with the various Seozoom and Semrush allows us to actually understand what people who search for that keyword want, what questions they ask and what it seeks to solve. The important thing is always to satisfy the beneficial purpose , the positive purpose.
Some examples to understand semantic SEO
With Hummingbird, a phase began in which the Google search engine gives more attention to each word in a query, advocating the analysis of the entire request in which the keyword is found. The goal is to evaluate pages for their value and not just because they use certain terms in the text.
seo semantic example
A first example to understand this condition comes from a simple query: try typing SEOon the Google search engine. The Wikipedia page will appear among the first positions. Now, net of other signals such as backlinks , we see that the keyword in question does not appear in the title tag.
Even the permalink is not optimized for the SEO keyword found in the text but without exaggeration. Evidently Google has understood that that page is consistent with the query regardless of the presence of the keyword in the SEO title , which in any case remains one of the key signals.
serp hotel example
Another example of how semantic SEO works : in the case of an unclear query like hotel Roma– is it the place or the name? – the solution is clear: after the sponsored pages come two pages dedicated to hotels in Rome and a hotel in Rome, in Rimini, which considers the name and not the location.

If I search, however, quanto costa un soggiorno a Procidathere is a different reasoning on Google's part: cut to the chase, get to the point and anticipate the request with a list of hotels and prices.
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The most interesting aspect is that the first content that explicitly talks about the topic and mentions the long tail keyword in the title tag and in the text is found on the second page: the first is occupied by lists of hotels.
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The True Meaning of Semantic SEO
We can say that it is about the need to write optimized content to cover topics, not just for single keywords. But to have a broader vision, let's aim for the goal : semantic SEO helps the search engine understand people and return the best content. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't: in the meantime, we will try to satisfy the needs