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Campaign Tracking Bounce Rate

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:53 am
by shohidhasan837
The information that you get from analytics tool is a digital gold for Magento website or store owners. Many of the Magento website owners must have tried to use Google Analytics but have failed to understand how it works or may have gotten overwhelmed by its vastness of features. No need to worry, this blog is written to guide you in simple terms and give you useful tips on how to make the most of Google analytics to optimize your eCommerce Magento website.

Table of Contents Why Use Google Analytics? Basic Tips iran mobile phone numbers database Campaign Tracking Bounce Rate Annotations Advanced Tips Referrer Spam eCommerce magento website Tracking Site Search Product Performance Conclusion Why Use Google Analytics? Many of you already know the answer to this question but if you are not one of them then don’t worry; I am here to make you Mr. Smarty pants on Google Analytics. The Google Analytics helps you in understanding stats and information about the visitors coming to your Magento website.


This tool not just gives you the basic information about the visitors but also their search and shopping habits. Such type of information is priceless for store owners as they can give custom advertisements and offers to each of their users according to their website interaction history and give them a more personalized experience. Besides Google analytics’ data can also protect you from online referrer spam and other threats. Basic Tips In this section, I’ll be discussing the basic features that you can use in Google Analytics.