In most cases, this list of our WhatsApp phone or email contacts does not exactly reflect reality. In it, we accumulate phone numbers that we no longer use (or that were used only occasionally), or contacts of people that we do not even remember. In this post, we are going to see how to delete a contact on WhatsApp to have an updated, easier and more useful agenda.
It may also happen that the contact we want to remove belongs to a person with cambodia telegram mobile phone number list whom we are not interested in interacting for any reason. The best thing about this instant messaging app's contact deletion system is that we can delete contacts without their knowledge . Maximum discretion.
As you probably already know, when you install WhatsApp on your phone, the app will take the entire contact list from your phone book. Likewise, every time we register a new number, it is automatically added to the application's contact list.
What is it and how to install it, WhatsApp Plus
Related article:
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Instead, delete a WhatsApp contact This does not involve deleting it from the phone book either. . If our idea is to forget about him forever, he will also need to be removed from this list.
Delete a contact in WhatsApp
delete a WhatsApp contact
Below we will consider how to delete a WhatsApp contact from both an Android device and an iPhone:
On an Android phone
These are the following steps:
First of all, open our WhatsApp and go to the Chats tab .
Then click on the New Chat option.
Now we search and select from the list the contact we want to delete.
Click on the contact's name at the top.
We access More options and from there we go See in the contact book.
Then click More options and click the Delete icon.
In order for the deletion to be complete, after the previous steps you will need to refresh our WhatsApp contact list. The way to do this is very simple: just start a new chat, go to the "More options" tab and select the update option from there.
On iPhone
On the iPhone, the removal process is easier. This is done in the following way:
First, you need to launch WhatsApp and go to the Chats tab .
Then we started a New chat .
We search and select the contact we want to delete.
Next, click on the name of the contact at the top.
Finally, press Edit and we scroll down the screen until we find the option Delete contact .
Block a contact on WhatsApp
block whatsapp contact
Deleting a contact does not mean that we stop receiving calls or messages from that number. So, if we don't want to forget about it completely, we can always block it.
The option to block contacts was implemented by WhatsApp with the idea that its users can protect themselves from spam and cyberbullying . If we are tired of receiving unwanted advertising messages or calls from numbers we are not interested in, we can block them. By doing this, we will stop receiving your messages, calls and status updates. This is, in any case, a reversible process so that, if we want, we can unblock the contact again in the future.
In the most serious cases (if there were threats or fraud attempts), you can even report the number from which they are coming. Here's how you can block WhatsApp:
On an Android phone
Open WhatsApp and click the More options icon .
We are going to Settings.
We select Privacy and then we are going to Contacts are blocked
Then click on the Add icon.
Finally, we search or select the contact we want to block.
On iPhone
Open WhatsApp and go to the configuration menu .
There we select Account and access the Privacy options
Then select Blocked and click on Add new.
Finally, we search and select the contact we want to block.
Delete blocked contacts
This is the last step. In addition to blocking, there is an option to get rid of the contact forever. To do this, you just need to do the following:
The first thing we need to do is Remove the contact from our agenda.
When this is done, we go to the WhatsApp application and open the list of blocked contacts there
Then click on the Settings icon (you can also do this on the Account tab) to display the user information on the screen.
Next, click on Privacy
To finish, we slide on the screen until we reach the section Blocked contacts , where we select the Delete option.
inform about contacts
If a contact is blocked because we have received offensive content from them or attempted fraud or similar, it is also recommended to report the contact so that WhatsApp can take action on the matter and warn other users. We can do it like this:
First, we open a chat with the contact we want to notify.
Then click on the name of the contact.
Select the option to notify the contact .
Finally, we click on Report and block.
How to delete a contact from Whatsapp
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