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Define the commercial offer and pricing

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:42 am
by asikurrahmanshuvo
Feedback from the sales department, project managers or anyone who is in direct contact with the customer and “frequently” with them. Here too, the various company departments come into play: for example, the sales department can give us feedback on our pricing policy, while customer service can tell us what they don’t understand or don’t like.
Sales and marketing data on current customers , to understand who are the current loyal and most profitable customers. It may not be very “empathetic” data but it can be very useful to understand business sectors, job titles, company size etc.
Interviews with real customers, preferably face-to-face but also via telephone or survey, to understand how they came to us (online, events, etc.), what they like or dislike about our service and so on.
Analytics : Google Analytics data on website traffic or Insights from the various social networks on which we are present can provide us with information regarding gender, age, and geographic origin.
Data analysis is one of the most important activities in marketing: it is above all the data that must determine our digital choices and strategies.
(If the topic interests you, you can find a detailed analysis on dominican republic whatsapp resource the importance and methods of data analysis in our article The importance of data analysis in digital marketing ).
Market research: unless you are a multinational, you probably won't have the possibility to commission one ad hoc, but it is always useful to take a look at the reports, for example those on the use of the web and social networks. If I speak to a teenager it will be easier for her to use Instagram on her cell phone, while maybe a top manager will prefer LinkedIn...
What are buyer personas for?
Make no mistake. If Olly Owner works in a small company and has little time available, there is no point in overwhelming him with very long textual content and proposing a budget of 100k. If Mary Marketer is active on social networks and is always attentive to the news of the sector, it makes sense to invest in a content strategy and digital advertising .

So, buyer personas help me:

Choose the media mix (advertising, website, social networks…)
Adapt your tone of voice and language to the skills of the interlocutor (for example, avoiding technical terms that the customer does not understand)

Thinking in terms of buyer personas changes the company approach, because it puts real people and their feedback on our work at the center . This is why it is a continuous work in progress, because we continuously acquire useful information to better define our buyer personas, while at the same time the external environment also changes, modifying their needs and their decision-making processes.