Standards and technology

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Standards and technology

Post by nurmohammadhasan0 »

Let's anticipate right away that, despite being born in a European context, Peppol has immediately attracted the interest of companies, institutions and organizations all over the world . For years now, Peppol standards and infrastructures have been present in non-European countries, where they have often been chosen by governments precisely to encourage the adoption of electronic invoicing. This is the case of Singapore, Australia, New Zealand. But let's go in order.

Electronic Invoicing Guide 2022

The Peppol network is made up of a series of components that interact with each other, enabling the exchange of documents and information between companies and public administrations:

Access Points (APs):  these are access points, certified by OpenPeppol, which jamaica whatsapp resource represent the direct point of contact for companies and institutions. The use of communication protocols and agreed standards, such as the UBL XML standard, allow the formation and exchange of electronic documents. Exchanges, therefore, occur exclusively between accredited APs.
Service Metadata Publisher (SMP):  is a real decentralized registry that provides information about the Access Points and the types of messages that a PEPPOL recipient can receive: a recipient might be able to receive, for example, invoices according to the PEPPOL standard, but not electronic orders or transport documents. The SMPs contain the addresses and available metadata of the users connected to the PEPPOL network. 
Service Metadata Locator (SML):  It is the only central component of the network and is a registry that collects and identifies all SMPs. Each interlocutor has a unique identifier in the form of a URL through which the Access Points locate the SMP and the access point to the recipient of the transaction.
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