In the Netherlands, orange is by far the favorite (31%), followed by red at a considerable distance. Green (15%) is therefore not the new orange. The most commonly used colors have both advantages and disadvantages . Orange is a good conversion color and yellow is a color that attracts attention. Red is the most controversial. It evokes negative associations: stop, no, prohibition , aggression and danger .
Of the Dutch websites, no less than 20% use a red call-to-action button. This often fits the house style. The good news is that red can work just fine. On the Performable website, a red action button yielded 21% more conversion than a green one.
The red action button won over the green one (source: Hubspot)
A/B test: the red action button came out as the winner (source: Hubspot)
A large button draws attention. E.ON ukraine phone data has understood this well: their action button is almost 400 pixels wide. No one can ignore this blue banana. Size matters, but a large button can drown out everything else. An action button that is too small does not draw enough attention. The button must therefore be large enough to stand out without being overpowering. In the Netherlands, three quarters of websites swear by an intermediate size. The width varies from 100 to 200 pixels.