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“I want research to be good, fast AND cheap!” –Barry Jennings

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:53 am
by arzina221
ganizations can actually do with all that collected data. On April 24, the Big Data Driven Decisions Event took place at Nyenrode, where heavyweights shared their expertise and insights.

First, a brief discussion of the concept of big data. There is no clear definition available, but according to research agency Gartner, it involves at least three factors: the amount of data (volume), the speed at which the data is received and requested (velocity) and the diversity of the data (variety).

eryone who is involved in online entrepreneurship, in whatever form. SOBcon once started as a bloggers conference, but has become an inspiring weekend for those who use 'online' as part of their business model. This year's theme was: 'The customer-centric business, where collaboration is key to innovation'.

eption that online qualitative research is a cheaper alternative than offline qualitative research. Nothing could be further from the truth! Online is not a one-on-one alternative to offline qualitative research; the online possibilities are much more diverse than traditional face-to-face research. The price of online qualitative research is also not one-on-one comparable to offline, because this depends on many variables.

Dell's Customer insights community is fast, cheap and way better!
Barry Jennings , Global Commercial Insights Director of Dell, joins Paul Janowitz , CEO of ' I can make it better ' to talk about how his continuous customer insights community helps him to serve his internal customers quickly and efficiently, thereby using his available time and research budget efficiently. In his experience, corporate researchers are south korea phone data often asked for more insights, obtained with new techniques, for less money and in less time.


The Dell customer insights community enables him to collect many insights in a relatively short period. In addition, he uses his research budget very efficiently, through the continuous community and as many standardized processes as possible. Due to the largely standardized method, internal clients can do a lot themselves.