Focus of Variety
For the TNS Fanpage Awards, we distinguish between two types of Facebook pages: Focus and Variety pages. Focus pages are pages that focus on one specific theme. These are often pages with a smaller number of fans. Variety pages are larger, more general pages. For example: the Gardafriends Facebook page, focused on Lake Garda (as a holiday destination), falls into the Focus category. The page of an all-round travel organization belongs to Variety.
On average, pages in the Variety category have almost five FTE working on the page. At Focus, this is slightly less than two FTE. For both groups, this number of employees has increased compared to last year. The organizations expect this number to continue to increase next year. This mainly concerns employees from the marketing and communications department. At Variety, employees from customer service are also occasionally deployed.
In terms of budget, Variety pages are also 'ahead'. Almost all pages (98%) have an annual budget. Often part of the marketing budget. Theme pages usually have to make do with separate budgets, which they request per project.
Depending on the budget, organizations are wondering what these efforts will yield. TNS NIPO likes considered less important97% of Variety pages have KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) linked to the page. At Focus, less than half of the pages have this. Unlike two years ago, the most important KPI is no longer achieving a certain number of fans (although this is still high on the agenda). Pages have increasingly focused on achieving a minimum IPM (interaction per 1000 fans), a nepal phone data certain sentiment, number of reactions to a post, engagement of fans, or visits to the website. It is less and less about scoring fans, and more and more about demonstrating what you have with these fans.
Objectives often not in line with fans' wishes
KPIs have objectives. Here too, a difference between the two types of pages is noticeable. For example, for Focus pages, interaction is the main objective. This involves interaction with and between fans, with the theme of the page as the central focus. Interaction is also an important objective for Variety, but these pages are more focused on marketing and branding: promoting an image or product.
prominent target facebook page graph
Getting fans excited isn't always possible
The fact that marketing & branding is mentioned as the most important objective at Variety is a possible explanation for the fact that Variety pages are generally rated less well by their fans. These pages do succeed in attracting (many) fans, but have difficulty in making fans so enthusiastic that they become ambassadors.