In the case of Miss Green, it also fits in with this time, in which we increasingly call for clothes to be made well, in every respect. The recent events in Bangladesh will certainly not do Miss Green any harm, to name but one.
Tips & tricks
What best practices can we apply to other cases? In a NON-random order:
1. Start with your 'ste'
According to Cor Hospes, expert in the field of content marketing, you should first ask yourself what your 'ste' is. That in which you want to excel, your distinguishing feature. The most fun, the clearest, the most visited, the most artistic? Decide that for yourself. Then hang everything you do on your 'ste'. Only then will you be credible and consistent in your appearance. There is a good chance that the passion will radiate from it. Maaike Groen of Miss Green says about her 'ste':
“Miss Green wants to be the 'Maaike Groenste'. Because what I stand for is linked to Miss Green. For example, I eat as honestly as possible, I am careful with my belongings, I use my clothes for as long as possible. And those are principles that also apply to Miss Green. That combination makes the brand unique.”
Evelijn van Heuven from Vindict indicates that Vindict kenya phone data consciously thinks about the form and content of content, as long as it is with a wink. You could say that Vindict is the most light-hearted wine shop! Evelijn:
“For us, the content strategy is crucial, because wine quickly becomes blah-blah-blah. We think it is important to find a good balance between substantive, educational content on the one hand, and funny content and beautiful images on the other. And the tone of voice is also something to really think about.
For example, we do not use complicated wine terms and we find the visual aspect very important. We have visualized the flavors of our wines, so that you can quickly see that a wine tastes like apple, citrus and peach, for example. We implement this in all our communication, such as in our newsletter and on Facebook. Lightness and humor are characteristic of us.”
Vindict visualizes flavors
An example of 'wine tasting' at Vindict
Customers are not happy with a dead sparrow. If you tell them or offer them something, make it happen. Miss Green claims to be as honest as possible and states the material each item of clothing is made of. And also what she is doing to produce all materials sustainably in the future. There are also photos on her site of the people who make the clothes. And yes, those are really the people who make the clothes, not models.