The organizational structure is central

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The organizational structure is central

Post by arzina221 »

First, I look at information that is shared based on the organizational structure. As an example, I use an organization with three locations, with departments and teams within them. The information flows can be related to these levels.

s spokesperson. There are worse things going on in the world right now, so the Volkskrant may be forgiven for not having corrected it yet.

I will admit that I initially fell for Ouborg's promotional plan. After all, crazier things have happened, especially in healthcare. But upon closer inspection of the website, I found several clues that could have shown that the plan was fake. Or at least very poorly thought out.

1. Creating a website for something that is still just a plan
To start with, Ouborg immediately presented a ready-made website, including the possibility to register. The prison will be vacant in 2016 and then the building will first be offered to the province or the municipality, according to a spokesperson for the Government Buildings Agency . It is therefore not at all certain that Ouborg will be able to buy jordan phone data the prison. But then have a complete website made, including a promotional video and the possibility to register in advance? Few good entrepreneurs will spend money on that at such an early stage.

2. The use of images on the website does not match the target group
Who is the target group of the budget retirement home, if such a retirement home existed? The elderly of course. Or wait, 'senior citizens'. Or perhaps '60-plussers'. Just as young people mirror themselves on slightly older young people, the elderly prefer to be associated with slightly younger elderly people. That is why stand-up chairs are always photographed with fit people of 50 to 60 years old in them . Then watch the beginning of the Budget Retirement Home video. Would you like to look like this lady.
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