Activity during the Summer Recess

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Activity during the Summer Recess

Post by arzina221 »

Summer recess does not mean that politicians can rest on their laurels. Politicians are often still active and this is also reflected on Twitter. The most active party leader during the recess is Diederik Samsom. He has sent 536 tweets on the internet in these two months. He has a big lead over Henk Krol, who is in second place, with about 250 messages in this period.

The explanation for this relatively high number of tweets by Diederik Samsom lies on July 13 and 14. On average, he sent about 20 tweets per day, but on these two days together he sent – ​​for unknown reasons – more than 200 messages. In doing so, he actively engaged with the supporters and the changes in incomes and the year 2035 were discussed most often.

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What tone do the party leaders use?
Unfortunately, we can say little about sentiment. The majority of messages that our politicians send via Twitter are neutral in tone. A few messages are positive or negative, with Arie Slob generally being the most positive. He sent 51 positive messages since January 6 of this year. Henk Krol is in second place with 33 positive messages. The indonesia phone data most negative tweets came from Diederik Samsom, who sent 60 negative messages. In proportion, this is relatively few, as he sent more than 2,500 messages in total.

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Interaction with colleagues
In all messages written by the party leaders, @mariannethieme is mentioned most often. In the first half of 2013, she was mentioned no less than 83 times in messages from others. @henkkrol , @staatsbosbeheer @estherouwehand and @apechtold are also mentioned regularly. These are also the politicians who most often engage in conversation with each other. Only @staatsbosbeheer is the odd one out in this list, as this is not an account of a politician.
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