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Here is a graph that will help illustrate your point

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:13 am
by jsarmin
If a search query includes all of your negative keyword terms in any order, your ad will not be triggered.

For example, if your negative keyword is “mountain bikes” and someone searches for “mountain bikes,” your ad won’t show up. Because it contains all the negative terms in your keywords.

But your ad may show up if the search only includes some of your negative terms. Even if the search includes terms very close to your negative keyword.

Using the same example, if someone searches for “mountain bike,” your ad might show up. Because your negative keyword included the “s” in “bikes.”

a visual example of bike "negative keyword:mountains" showing examples for different queries and broad matches.
Phrase Matching Negative Keywords
With negative phrase matching, your ad will not show if the search query includes specific keyword terms in the specified order.

Although the search query may include additional words, your ad will not display until it contains all of your keyword terms in the same sequence.

For example, if your negative keyword is “mountain bikes” and someone searches for “trekking mountain bikes,” your ad will not show.

Your ad may appear if the order of the keyword terms is different or if the terms include an extra character. For example, if someone searches for "mountain bikes".

a visual example of "negative keyword:mountain bikes" showing taiwan telegram data examples for different queries and phrase matches.
Exact match negative keywords
With exact match negative keywords, your ad will not show if the search query precisely matches the keyword terms in the same order - without any additional words or characters.

If your negative keyword is "mountain bikes" and someone searches for "mountain bikes", your ad will not appear.

But if someone searches for "mountain bikes" or "mountain bike", your ad might appear.

a visual example of bike "negative keyword:mountains" showing examples for different queries and exact matches.
Account, campaign, or ad group level keywords
Google Ads accounts are organized into three levels: account, campaigns, and ad groups.