Use of subthreshold advertising: is it possible?

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Use of subthreshold advertising: is it possible?

Post by nurnobi40 »

When we talk about subliminal advertising, Jequiti, a cosmetics company from the Silvio Santos Group, automatically comes to mind, whose random insertions during SBT programming became a joke on the internet.

A subliminal message is characterized as any stimulus or information that is not consciously perceptible and aims to induce decision-making without the person realizing it.

In fact, the brand found a way to circumvent the bosnia and herzegovina phone number data legislation and still generate awareness , including with audiences that go beyond the company's target audience. This is because Jequiti's content is displayed in a way that people can clearly perceive it, that is, it cannot be characterized as subliminal. The joke was due to the abrupt and obvious way in which the advertisement is inserted in the middle of the programming!

There is no specific legislation that prohibits the use of subliminal advertising in Brazil. However, there is a restriction on “hidden messages”, which states that the consumer must always be consciously aware that a message is being transmitted with advertising content.

The emergence of subliminal advertising is a bit controversial, but some schools of thought say that its first experiment was in 1957, in the United States, when researcher James Vicary inserted “eat popcorn” and “drink Coca-Cola” into a frame of a movie in the cinema.

Its efficiency is also poorly proven, due to the fact that it is something very difficult and subjective to measure.

And what do you think about the use of subliminal (or not so subliminal) messages in advertising?
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