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Searches in local languages

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:43 am
by rUparaHmaN017
Another niche you can explore is local language searches. One of the advantages of local SEO is that by narrowing down the geographic area you are targeting, you reduce the competition, which makes it easier for you to stand out and reach your potential customers more efficiently. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you adapt your website as much as possible to the territory you are targeting and your target audience.

In some sectors you may find a greater use of turkey telephone number data local languages ​​than other official languages ​​for certain searches . This is a very interesting piece of data to analyze and can allow you to develop unique local SEO strategies.

As an example, we can see that in the training sector there are certain search terms that, limited to the same territory, in this case Catalonia, return a greater volume of searches in Catalan than in Spanish .

SEO Keywords
'Leisure and free time monitor course' (Territory: Catalonia / Language: Spanish)

In this analysis we can see how in Catalonia there are certain terms associated with the same search intention that group together a greater volume of searches in Catalan than in Spanish .

Additionally, you can leverage local searches to identify seasonality or new business opportunities in certain areas.
Identify the local searches your potential customers make, analyze the terminology, language, time and way they search and adapt to it. You can find very interesting niches to exploit.