Go to the "Audiences" section, select the desired one in the table (it should correspond to the pixel) and click "Edit rules". In the dialog box, select "Parameters" and go to events. And the event that you wrote in Latin should be added to the field. After that, click "Save". Then set up advertising in the usual mode.
A dialog box that displays the events for which the audience will be collected.
By lists
You can collect customer contacts into a single database and use it for retargeting. Here is what data you can use:
Mobile phone numbers;
Apple Mobile Device Identifier (IDFA) and Android Mobile Device Identifier (GAID);
Email addresses;
Identifiers (ID) of VKontakte pages. For example, for the advantages of using our skype database page https://vk.com/id111111 the identifier is the numbers after the id prefix. However, a user address, for example, vk.com/supergood, cannot be added to the database.
The file size should not exceed 20 MB, format - .CSV or .TXT. All this data can be uploaded in one file and in any order.
We go to the same section “Audiences”, select “Create audience” — “Load from file” — “Select file”, upload the document, click “Save”.
Loading audience from file
The new audience will also appear in the table, and you can use it to create ads - the algorithm does not change here
Similar audiences look-alike
Here you collect your existing client base, upload it into your advertising account and set the task for VKontakte to parse (find) people similar to those you uploaded into your advertising account.
For example, you uploaded a database of 1000 contacts, VKontakte algorithms identified 600 people, and now you want to find another audience that is similar to the original one in order to show ads to more people.
To do this, go to the audience table, select the desired one (it can be collected from lists or via a pixel), click on the name and click “Find a similar audience” in the drop-down menu.