Promotion of dentistry through contextual advertising
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:27 am
Contextual advertising in Yandex Direct includes advertisements and banners on the search page and on partner resources that are part of the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN).
Posting on search allows you to show ads in three places:
in the premium block immediately below the search bar, before the organic search results;
Promotion of dentistry in the premium block of Yandex Direct
in the regular block at the bottom of the first search screen;
Promotion of a dental clinic in an advertising block on search
to the right of the results as a banner.
banner advertising of dentistry in direct
In addition, ads from the first place in the premium block can be shown in Yandex search suggestions.
Advertising in search suggestions
In YAN and external networks, advertising is shown in blocks allocated for displaying banners of different sizes .
Platform features. Yandex Direct seems like a complex system, but in fact, dental promotion is available to a non-specialist thanks to the presence of automatic strategies. The advertiser specifies the address of the landing page, what format and placement sites he needs, the main characteristics of the audience. Then the algorithm recommends keywords, a payment model and a strategy for optimizing impressions (you can change it manually if you have the data). After that, Yandex Direct itself selects which users to show ads to based on their search queries, interests, and visited sites.
Promote your medical business in Yandex Direct and Yandex Business, VKontakte, Telegram Ads and pay for all advertising in one window via OneSpot
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Dentistry promotion in Yandex Direct works at all stages of the sales funnel. You can increase recognition of the clinic name, create interest in its services and technologies, convert interest into requests for how you can use this database effectively treatment, return clients, stimulate repeat requests. For this, there are wide opportunities for displaying ads: by search queries, for those users who live or work within walking distance from the clinic, for an audience similar to your clients, for visitors who have already been on the site.
If the complexity of the settings scares you, launch your first campaigns through the minimalist Campaign Wizard. It will suggest headlines and creative texts. Manual settings are available in the advanced Expert Mode.
launch direct in 5 minutes
Setting up via Campaign Wizard
tools for contextualists in Yandex
Setting up via Expert Mode
Small businesses with a small budget can use the Yandex Business Advertising Subscription, where advertising launch is maximally automated — even creatives are generated from your website information. This placement format works for YAN and Yandex services. It is convenient to place ads on Yandex Maps, which is especially important for dental clinics, because they work offline and attract visitors to a physical address.
Advertising subscription Yandex Business
Be sure to install the free Yandex Metrica counter on the landing page and enable UTM tags when setting up advertising. Then you will have full statistics: what volume of traffic Yandex Direct brings to the dentistry and what is the cost of conversion.
Posting on search allows you to show ads in three places:
in the premium block immediately below the search bar, before the organic search results;
Promotion of dentistry in the premium block of Yandex Direct
in the regular block at the bottom of the first search screen;
Promotion of a dental clinic in an advertising block on search
to the right of the results as a banner.
banner advertising of dentistry in direct
In addition, ads from the first place in the premium block can be shown in Yandex search suggestions.
Advertising in search suggestions
In YAN and external networks, advertising is shown in blocks allocated for displaying banners of different sizes .
Platform features. Yandex Direct seems like a complex system, but in fact, dental promotion is available to a non-specialist thanks to the presence of automatic strategies. The advertiser specifies the address of the landing page, what format and placement sites he needs, the main characteristics of the audience. Then the algorithm recommends keywords, a payment model and a strategy for optimizing impressions (you can change it manually if you have the data). After that, Yandex Direct itself selects which users to show ads to based on their search queries, interests, and visited sites.
Promote your medical business in Yandex Direct and Yandex Business, VKontakte, Telegram Ads and pay for all advertising in one window via OneSpot
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Cashback and bonuses
Technical support
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Dentistry promotion in Yandex Direct works at all stages of the sales funnel. You can increase recognition of the clinic name, create interest in its services and technologies, convert interest into requests for how you can use this database effectively treatment, return clients, stimulate repeat requests. For this, there are wide opportunities for displaying ads: by search queries, for those users who live or work within walking distance from the clinic, for an audience similar to your clients, for visitors who have already been on the site.
If the complexity of the settings scares you, launch your first campaigns through the minimalist Campaign Wizard. It will suggest headlines and creative texts. Manual settings are available in the advanced Expert Mode.
launch direct in 5 minutes
Setting up via Campaign Wizard
tools for contextualists in Yandex
Setting up via Expert Mode
Small businesses with a small budget can use the Yandex Business Advertising Subscription, where advertising launch is maximally automated — even creatives are generated from your website information. This placement format works for YAN and Yandex services. It is convenient to place ads on Yandex Maps, which is especially important for dental clinics, because they work offline and attract visitors to a physical address.
Advertising subscription Yandex Business
Be sure to install the free Yandex Metrica counter on the landing page and enable UTM tags when setting up advertising. Then you will have full statistics: what volume of traffic Yandex Direct brings to the dentistry and what is the cost of conversion.