Investors advise against panic selling, explaining that the best days usually follow the worst days for stocks. Either way, it's nearly impossible to get out at the right time and then get back in at the right time to take advantage of the rally.
In digital ecosystems, the same principle applies. Remember, online algeria telemarketing data advertising on Google Ads is an auction! It is more profitable to hold on to your investments during the crisis. Like most people holding stocks, companies have decided to withdraw their investments in digital marketing out of fear and panic. The bottom line is that fewer players mean fewer options for the consumer and less competition for you.
Google Ads investment impact in times of crisis when competitors disappear
2. The negative effects of a complete withdrawal from an online advertising platform
Be aware before you remove or stop your ads on Google Ads that you will have to start from ZERO. The trust that Google had placed in you will be obsolete and may have been transferred to your competitors.
In addition to pay-per-click bidding and keyword targeting, search engine algorithms rely on user behavior and performance data to show the right ad at the right time. If your paid search campaign is down for more than a few days, your data becomes stale and needs to be reinstated.
For competitive queries, it will be even more difficult to regain your position.
Your competitors will have taken advantage of your absence to take your place. As they say, he who goes hunting loses his place! Depending on the level of competitiveness, it may take 3 to 12 months to regain your place with higher budgets to regain places.

3. The conditions are perfect for investing in digital marketing
Depending on your industry, you can get more exposure for less money because there are fewer advertisers. That doesn’t mean you’ll get more conversions, but you’ll get more potential traffic. Businesses selling office supplies saw a 35% increase in clicks on their search ads and a 41% increase in search conversion rates.
By showing up right now, even if you're not making sales, you're building a pipeline of potential customers. This can help you get back on track.
Consumers have time! According to
a study by HubSpot
, engagement with marketing emails, website traffic, and live chat sessions have all increased. Email open rates are even 25% higher than before the pandemic.
Consumers are open-minded right now and willing to buy from a new business, since their usual stores are closed. According to
Google searches from April 16 to 19
, more than 25% of consumers said they have tried a new brand or product due to the unavailability of their usual brand.
The growth of online grocery stores