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The Benefits of Combining Human Intelligence and Automation in the Workplace

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:42 am
by Aklima@416
Automation initiatives that combine AI and human talent are outperforming those that rely solely on AI. For many, AI is a sword of Damocles: it promises a new wave of efficiency that few of us can predict. But using it responsibly, and especially without rushing, must remain a top priority. Diving headlong into AI can carry more risks than benefits.

It’s a new era of collaborative intelligence, merging the best of both worlds:

Humans: Empathy, creativity, soft skills, emotional intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Speed, Scalability, Rapid Experimentation
Successful businesses don’t just use AI to improve efficiency.

They use AI skills to complement human talents.

They exploit human-in-the-loop automation strategies that synthesize the two.

Think about how one can collaborate with the other rather than how one can supplant the other.

Rather than establishing a division of labor between pakistan mobile number man and machine, we need to find the symbiosis hidden in the cup: this is where the most successful companies will exploit their competitive advantage in AI.

Why the Future of Automation Requires Close Coordination Between Humans and Machines
Ask inventors where they got the idea to change the world. It's rare that this idea comes to them during their 9-5 job.

Humans are amazing creators of bizarre interconnections. Inspiration comes in the shower or while doing something completely unrelated.

Steve Jobs got interested in electronics after reading an article about hackers making free phone calls . He famously called it the highlight of Apple's inspiration. The founder of GoPro took a year off after his advertising venture failed, and the concept for the wearable action camera came to him on a surfing trip. The inventor of the floppy disk thought of it while drowning.

The concept feeds into the commonly bandied allegory about how Isaac Newton came up with his theory of gravitation: he was hit on the head by an apple.

Ask an AI like ChatGPT or Bard a question, and it uses its knowledge to find the most “likely” connected information. It’s a slot machine that evaluates the strength of a connection and then provides a result that earns the highest score.

On the other hand, humans are excellent craftsmen, capable of applying seemingly unrelated concepts to build something new. While generative AI is inherently probabilistic, humans are freer.

Which is a good thing. Because most of the time, revelations are found in the improbable. An innovation is born from a mosaic of improbable experiences and ideas that an AI would consider too far-fetched to report.

So don’t think about how AI can reduce human involvement or reduce labor. Instead, think about how you can use it to complement human thinking and create something even more powerful.

Using AI and machine learning to:

Global information
Unearthing “unknown unknowns”
Transforming data into advice
Serve as a sounding board for new ideas and help human staff fill in the gaps.
AI fills brainstorming clouds with a series of starting points that stimulate the human flash of a brilliant idea.